hy•poc•ri•sy hĭ-pŏk′rĭ-sē
The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
An act or instance of such falseness.
Dissimulation of one's real character or belief; especially, a false assumption of piety or virtue; a feigning to be better than one is; the action or character of a hypocrite.
Undercover Huber
Mueller’s team charged @GeorgePapa19
with 20 year felony obstruction for merely “deactivating” his Facebook account and getting a new cell phone, even though he told the FBI he was switching phones in advance. Same crew nuked all their own phones and it’s meh
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Sean Davis
· 3h
No one in historycertainly not the indisputably brilliant minds tapped to run the Mueller investigationhas ever sat down and "accidentally" entered the wrong password on his own phone 10 times in a row, the threshhold required to nuke a phone. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1304134727570468864
1:21 PM · Sep 10, 2020