Anonymous ID: b96b63 Sept. 10, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.10594599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744

Text message emerges proving CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pressure Sean Parnell to not run against Conor Lamb


CNN host Jake Tapper directly attempted to convince GOP rising star Sean Parnell to not run in the same swing congressional district in Pennsylvania as Pelosi's crony and Democratic incumbent Rep. Conor Lamb. “[A]nd best of luck in your race. [F]or the record, I wasn’t trying to talk you out of running – [I] was trying to talk you into running in a safer R district! lol,” Tapper wrote to Parnell via Twitter. The Post Millennial can independently confirm through a source familiar to the matter who has personally seen evidence of Tapper's alleged election interference. Sources told Breitbart News on Sunday evening that Tapper communicated his plea in text messages, Twitter direct messages, and in a phone call.


On Sunday, Tapper denied his persuasive endeavors to former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell when Trump's former Cabinet member campaigned with Parnell in the Pittsburgh area. Before Grenell confronted Tapper, the Republican tweeted: "If true, @cnn must deal with @jaketapper very firmly. Political activism from the media is unacceptable!" Tapper further rejected the accusation via messaging. "Anonymous sources should speak on the record. This is a question of Trust in the Media and @cnn's credibility to be unbiased," Grenell stated.


“Jake knows exactly what he is doing here,” a source told Breitbart News. “This is a swing district in a swing state—Jake knows that Sean can bring out voters that might otherwise stay home but if they come out, they’re voting for Trump. Those votes could deliver the state and the election to Trump. This is nothing short of a CNN anchor interfering in a national election.” Lamb, who delivered a keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, is vulnerable and defending his congressional seat against one of President Donald Trump’s favorite candidates who spoke on the opening night of the Republican National Convention. Parnell received Trump's "complete and total endorsement" in May and was even name dropped last year by the president to bid for office before the conservative announced his candidacy. Pennsylvania's 17th District is a battleground for Democrats to remain in power. Lamb won a special election in 2017, the first year of the Trump administration, which foreshadowed the Democrats clinching the House majority in the 2018 midterm elections. For Republicans to retake the House in the upcoming races, the GOP needs to flip a net 17 seats.


In a June political ad, Parnell criticised his opponent's voting record, including to impeach Trump. Lamb has also voted with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 90% of the time. “Conor became Pelosi’s little lamb the moment he got to Washington,” Parnell said on camera to Pennsylvanians. “Let’s send a lion to Congress, and not a lamb.” This make-it-or-break-it state with 20 electoral votes could also lend a hand to Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's face-off come November. Tapper, a native of the swing state, has not been shy about his roots to his Democratic-dominated hometown of Philadelphia. The Ivy Leaguer once even over-inflated his ties to working-class urban Americans even though he attended a private elite high school with exorbitant tuition rates and followed his father's footsteps to Dartmouth. Two decades ago before the CNN anchor switched career lanes to "objective journalism," Tapper was the campaign press secretary and then congressional staffer to former Democratic Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, who ran and succeeded in the suburban district outside Philadelphia which Republicans had held since 1916. In the '90s, Tapper also worked briefly as a leftist activist for gun control group Handgun Control, Inc.—now the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Tapper went on to become a senior writer for the Washington City Paper, even writing a 1998 front-page column about his date with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, whose admitted affair with President Bill Clinton was centered in the Democratic impeachment scandal. Tapper had described "sweet, ruined Monica" as a woman he "wouldn't mind bringing home to mom."


I Dated Monica Lewinsky

GOP’s House Campaign Arm: CNN’s Jake Tapper ‘Meddling’ in ‘Swing House Races’