Anonymous ID: 62e99e Sept. 10, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.10595093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 86bd6f No.10594453 📁

Sep 10 2020 17:47:53 (EST) NEW📁

Knowing what you know now….



So Obama was the keystone for the No such Agency which will accidentally release it all(302's). So when the 302 data that was on the phones is released it will show that Flynn never lied and told the truth and that was an active attempt to overthrow a sitting president and Flynn's son.


and if Flynn never lied to the FBI then how could he have lied to Mike Pence,……oh that's right Pence lied because he's a traitor just like the rest of them.


This is why during the 2016 election the MSM didn't kick up a fuss about Trump choosing Pence as a VP candidate…meanwhile all the other Trump cabinet picked were picked and prodded by the msm.


If pence gets exposed then Trump can slot in Flynn as VP before 2020. The Chinese would be fucked because right now there printing fraudulent votes with Trump/Pence vs Biden/Harris.