Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:34 p.m. No.10596365   🗄️.is 🔗kun

India, China Agree to Protect Existing Border Agreements, Avoid Escalation of Tensions


Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi met in Moscow on Thursday on the margins of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and discussed relations between India and China.


Indian and Chinese Foreign Ministers released a joint statement on Thursday, agreeing that both sides will abide to existing accords and protocol on China-India boundary affairs in order to "maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas".


The statement comes after India's Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and China's Wang Yi "had a frank and constructive discussion on the developments in the India-China border areas" during Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting.


"The two Foreign Ministers agreed that the current situation in the border areas is not in the interest of either side. They agreed therefore that the border troops of both sides should continue their dialogue, quickly disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions… The two Ministers agreed that both sides shall abide by all the existing agreements and protocol on China-India boundary affairs, maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas and avoid any action that could escalate matters", the joint statement said.


It also outlined that the ministers agreed to expedite work to conclude new Confidence Building Measures as the situation eases.


The consensus followed an escalation on the border between China and India, as clashes occured earlier in the week in the disputed border area of eastern Ladakh.


The two countries are facing a border conflict, since they lack a marked border in the Himalayas. The region only has a Line of Actual Control established after the 1962 war between India and China that divides the area into Indian and Chinese-controlled regions.

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.10596413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 2

Part 3

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.10596442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636 >>6777 >>6924

Bob Woodward's Own Reaction Shows His Big Trump Virus 'Scoop' Is Total Nonsense. And It Gets Worse …


Bob Woodward’s latest “blockbuster” book floating the idea that President Trump withheld life-saving information about the seriousness of the coronavirus is belied by the author’s and The Washington Post’s own reactions.


Woodward released a soundbite, a sentence from an interview last winter featuring President Trump saying he was attempting to downplay the coronavirus. The president said he was trying not to panic the American people—that he wanted people to remain calm.


I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.


Joe Biden seized on that sentence, claiming that downplaying the deadly nature of the coronavirus cost American lives. He came close to calling President Trump a murderer.


It was Biden who had previously said that he didn’t want Trump in charge of the coronavirus message because he would panic people. It was at the same time that Biden twice called Trump a xenophobe after Trump’s ban on travel from China, where the virus started.


Biden tweeted in February, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”


Biden’s usual flip-flopping since the outbreak of the virus notwithstanding, he should ask this question of Bob Woodward:


If this so-called lack of information cost American lives, then why did Bob Woodward withhold this life saving information till just mere weeks before the election?


Even kooky Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot mused to The Chicago Sun-Times that if the Woodward revelation was true, why didn’t he put it out before to save American lives.


… This would have been something that would have been important for the public to learn, particularly since it seems like he had actual audio tapes [of Trump]. To reveal it now, six-plus months into a worldwide and United States fight against this horrible, horrible virus that’s devastated so many — to hold back — I think he’s gonna have to answer for that.


… If the president had information, as he should have … about the deadly impact of this virus and if he chose, instead, to downplay the significance of the virus for whatever ill-intended purpose, lives were lost.


On his show today, Rush Limbaugh asked a similar question.


Why didn’t Woodward put that on the front page of The Washington Post seven months ago when he got it?


The AP asked Woodward about this. Here is his confusing and meandering, non-denial-denial.


“If I had done the story at that time about what he knew in February, that’s not telling us anything we didn’t know,” Woodward said. At that point, he said, the issue was no longer one of public health but of politics. His priority became getting the story out before the election in November.


“That was the demarcation line for me,” he said. “Had I decided that my book was coming out on Christmas, the end of this year, that would have been unthinkable.”


Asked why he didn’t share Trump’s February remarks for a fellow Post reporter to pursue, Woodward said he had developed “some pretty important sources” on his own. “Could I have brought others in? Could they have done things I couldn’t do?” he asked. “I was on the trail, and I was (still) on the trail when it (the virus) exploded.”

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.10596468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6474 >>6487 >>6636 >>6654 >>6664 >>6777 >>6902 >>6924

Jussie Smollett says he was 'set up' from the beginning, claims witnesses saw 2 white men attack him


He continues to deny that he orchestrated a race hoax


Actor Jussie Smollett said that he was set up from the beginning of the investigation into his racist attack claims, and claims that there were two witnesses who saw "exactly" what he said he saw.


The actor made the claims in a rare interview with activist Marc Lamont Hill on Instagram Live on Wednesday.


"I would say, and again you know, I have to be careful what I say because I'm still in a course case but, at the same time it's out there, there are also two other witnesses who saw white men, so, you know, saw exactly what I say that I saw," said Smollett.


"These are things that people don't necessarily know because the lies and the things that were not true were yelled from the rooftop, but then the second that something came out that corroborated everything I said, all of a sudden it was not even a whisper," he added.


Smollett claimed in 2019 that he was attacked by two white men spewing pro-Trump slogans and homophobic slurs in Chicago. He said that they sprayed him with a fluid like bleach and forced him to wear a noose.


Police later charged him with making false reports after they identified and questioned two Nigerian brothers who said that Smollett had paid them to fake the attack in order to garner public sympathy.

"It was set up to seem like I was lying"


Smollett went on in the interview to claim that he was set up and that someone was making an example of him.


"It's been beyond frustrating, and I certainly am not going rogue," he said. "I'm still taking the advice of my attorneys and everything like that, but I don't really see, honestly, what staying quiet has really done, like, where it has gotten me."


Smollett continued to deny the claims that he had orchestrated a race hoax in the interview with Hill.


"They won't let this go," he said.


"It doesn't matter," he added, "there is an example being made. And the sad part is that there is an example being made of someone who did not do what they are being accused of."


He added that the last thing he wants is to be portrayed as a victim.


"From the very, very beginning, it was set up to seem like I was lying about something or everything," he claimed.


Smollett is facing charges of disorderly conduct after the first charges against him were dismissed.

Here are the comments from his rare interview:

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.10596486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6777 >>6924

Andrew Cuomo Announces Fine for New York Maskless Subway Riders


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday that subway riders will face a $50 fine if they choose not to wear a mask.


The initiative, which begins Monday, allows NYPD cops and Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) police the authority to give subway, bus, Long Island Rail Road, and Metro-North riders summonses if they do not wear a mask during their commute.


“I said to the MTA, ‘You have to come up with an enforcement plan for people not wearing masks,’” Cuomo said during a telephone press briefing with reporters. “This is for the handful of people who are not compliant.”


“Because compliance has gotten so much better, we can now take the next step,” Cuomo added.


MTA Chairman Pat Foye joined Cuomo on the call and suggested that wearing a face mask is a sign of “respect” for others on board.


“It is reassuring to other passengers who play by the rules that mask wearing is mandatory,” Foye said. “It’s a matter of respect for co-commuters and employees.”


“One or two people don’t have a right … to scare people from the system,” said interim New York City Transit Authority President Sarah Feinberg.


According to the MTA, 93 percent of riders are wearing masks with 15 percent of those wearing them improperly. The newly announced fines will be for those who do not have a mask on at all. Feinberg said:


This is targeted at a small population of folks who are refusing to wear a mask. There may be folks in the system who are wearing a mask improperly, whether the weather is hot, or they’re uncomfortable or for whatever reason … But generally, those are not the folks who are going to refuse to put the mask on properly when told to.


The news comes amid the reopening of New York City restaraunts for dine-in services and other local businesses that have been closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.10596549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6924

Trump Insists TikTok Sale Deadline Won't Be Extended


Update (1850ET): Just hours after White House sources reportedly suggested that the Trump Administration was weighing whether to give ByteDance another extension on the now-Sept. 15 deadline for a sale of TikTok's US business to an American entity, Trump said during a Thursday press conference.


"We’ll either close up TikTok in this country for security reasons, or it will be sold," Trump told reporters Thursday before boarding the presidential aircraft for a campaign trip to Michigan. "There will be no extension of the TikTok deadline."


We await the flurry of anonymously sourced reports advsing that a deal to extend the deadline in exchange for some window-dressing, face-saving compromise has purportedly been reached.


    • *


Update (1200ET): Looks like ByteDance's latest trial balloon is working. The Trump Administration is weighing giving it more time.




    • *


One day after the WSJ confirmed that ByteDance was in talks with the White House about the possibility that there might be some 'wiggle room' regarding President Trump's looming ban (we've previously discussed possible alternatives to a sale of TikTok's US business, including the prospect of some kind of licensing deal), Bloomberg is bringing us the latest 'trial balloon', as ByteDance tries to up the pressure on Washington.


Bloomberg reported Thursday morning that ByteDance will likely miss the Trump Administration's Sept. 20 deadline to strike a deal with one of the suitors looking to buy the US business of TikTok (possibly along with the Australian, New Zealand and Canada business), at least as far as Microsoft and Wal-Mart, which have teamed up on a bid).


Citing anonymous sources familiar with the talks, Bloomberg explained that the problem is that Chinese officials are reportedly demanding that "any proposal must be submitted for approval with detailed information about technical and financial issues, and the review will be substantial and take time, one of the people said. The officials haven’t been willing to give specific guidance on what kind of deal would work, the person said."

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.10596671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

September 7, 2020

Controlled implosion of U.S. continues with government-sponsored violence

By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports 411 Comments


Last week various intelligence agencies confirmed the United States government is in the middle of a controlled implosion that will continue until at least January. Russian intelligence sources say Donald Trump will be the last president of the United States in its present form, and they know from experience how quickly things can change.


If this forecast comes to pass, the big question is, will the U.S. be represented by a Khazarian Satanic government (and a Gates’ sponsored, RNA vaccine-induced, DNA damaged culling of the global population) or a hybrid democracy-meritocracy controlled by the people? The battle over the coming months will determine that outcome, many sources agree.


Perhaps the most disturbing intelligence that came in last week is that the riots in the U.S. are being funded by the Ford Foundation, according to MI6 and NSA sources. Not only that but “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on the board of directors and it’s funded with U.S. Federal Grant money,” the sources agree. Biden has shown himself to be a totally corrupt Zionist slave.


Meanwhile, the fake news smear campaign against Donald Trump is also ramping up by the day. With a full-court press to steal the election by mail-in voting and threats of violence unless Biden wins by a landslide, Americans may not see a confirmed President by next January.


The big question is how bad things will have to get before the U.S. military gets off its heavy butt and restores a genuinely representative government to the country. It is a good bet they will only act if and when the U.S. people demand that they do so.


That day might not be so far off. According to various estimates, as many as 50-million Americans will be facing a hunger crisis by the end of this year. This is not due to a lack of food but rather to deliberate attempts by the ruling Khazarian mafia cabal to reduce the population. There is in fact, as usual, an over-abundance of food in the U.S. However, “half the farm produce in the U.S. is being shipped to China,” according to the NSA. In other words, the Khazarian mafia is willing to starve Americans to pay off the debt to China (or let them eat all the Monsanto GMO as part of the new trade deal?). This is what happened in Colonial India when there was mass starvation because the food was being sent to well-fed England.


The crisis is not limited to food because the U.S. is running out of all sorts of items like lumber, light bulbs, etc. This is only going to get worse as stuff stockpiled in the months before the February 16th U.S. bankruptcy starts to run out.


Skyrocketing crime, criminal local governments, draconian restrictions on private business, etc. are also driving a continuing exodus from large U.S. cities. At this point, two out of five New Yorkers want to leave the city.


The other thing happening is that the genocidal medical mafia in the U.S. is fighting tooth and nail to continue to poison and rob the American people. According to the prestigious medical journal Lancet, the U.S. has by far the most expensive, and the worst, medical system in the developed world.

Anonymous ID: 04f0ab Sept. 10, 2020, 6 p.m. No.10596871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>6905 >>6926

US Marshals Capture Oklahoma Man Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Infant


ENID, Okla. — An Enid man who allegedly filmed himself sexually abusing a baby and distributing the video via social media has been arrested today by U.S. Marshals in Texas.


Members of the USMS Lone Star Fugitive Task Force – Austin Division took Brice Gage Watkins, 22, into custody shortly before 3:30 p.m. EST at a known associate’s residence in the 200 block of Cordero Drive in San Marcos, Texas.