Store memes as parts
Multiple images
Text blocks
Examples of how to assemble the parts
Nobody posts the example
Everybody makes their own meme
By assembling the parts
First make some image mods to root images
Shrinking or expanding
Use filters like solarize
Combine two copies of the image
Layer a filtered image with only a few% of alpha over top of the same unfiltered image
Choose your own fonts
Use different font for each text block
Maybe even change fonts for each letter
Some letters in script
Some in serif
Some bold
Some italic
Funky but keep it readable.
If you use 2 or more base images, it is easier to make variations
Put a frame around one, rotate it 20 degrees, place it on top of the other image
Add text blocks
Do not hesitate to rewrite the text blocks
Use your own words
Occasional missbellinhg can help
Blasting out thousands of the same meme does not get noticed anyway.
Unique memes do get noticed
Shift the colors greener or redder or bluer or sepia toned or B&W
Ask questions
If the text block is a STATEMENT
Rephrase it as a question.
Try to make questions that need investigation to really answer
Didn't Snopes debunk this Biden statement already?
Hasn't one of the generals contradicted Woodward?