Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.10600305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0311 >>0538 >>0698 >>0874 >>0894 >>0908 >>0920 >>0961

Sidney Powell Speaks Out After Mueller Gang Wiped Clean Info on 27 Phones Requested by Justice Department Inspector General




Sidney Powell was on FOX Business Network’s (FBN) The Evening Edit with Elizabeth MacDonald. Ms. Powell who is the attorney for General Michael Flynn knows the Deep State as well as anyone. She represented clients against Mueller and his creepy top attorney Andrew Weissman in the early 2000’s in Enron linked cases.


Powell shared her experience with Mark Levin at FOX News before she began representing General Flynn.


Here is a segment from that discussion where she called Andrew Weissmann the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct. She knows the Mueller gang well:


Powell again discussed the Deep State crooks and pushed the Justice Department to indict and prosecute the crooks who were behind the attempted coup of President Trump and the destruction of General Mike Flynn as well. Powell shared:


It’s only gotten worse. It must be met with indictments this time, extremely serious indictments because they did worse than entrap Flynn. They framed him. They made up the false statement. They made up the original allegations to investigate him and they made up the false statements to prosecute him.


When Liz MacDonald shared that Peter Strzok claims that General Flynn lied twice, Powell said:


Well, Peter Strzok is a liar. Peter Strzok is the one who altered the 302 multiple times in conjunction with Lisa Page until he added statements that were not reflected in the notes of the two agents that interviewed General Flynn and both agent Strzok and agent Pientka who interviewed him knew at the time he was telling them the truth. That’s why Flynn was never reinterviewed they didn’t even warn him about a 1001 statement and they didn’t let him look at the transcript like they do ever other witness. They treated him differently than anyone else they ever interviewed for anything. They schemed and planned to interview him in such a way he did not even know he was the subject of the interview or investigation and they did that deliberately, violating all the rules in the process.


After discussing the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence by the Mueller gang in removing information from 27 phones used by the Mueller gang when requested by the DOJ IG, Powell discussed the lies the Obama gang made to the FISA court and dropped this bombshell:


They have been abusing the surveillance system of the United States against 16,000 and more citizens for several years now. Comey gave the three private contractors unlimited access to the entire NSA database like their own Encyclopedia Britannica. I bet if they went and looked they would fine that they sold the bulk of the mining operations to the highest bidders wherever in the world they wanted them.


Powell’s comments on Thursday were explosive as she discussed more criminal acts by the Mueller and Weissmann Deep State gang.

Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:30 p.m. No.10600324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>0698 >>0874 >>0894 >>0908 >>0920 >>0927 >>0928 >>0961 >>1029

Petrified Elizabeth Warren campaign surrogate flees upstate New York Airbnb claiming it was 'being used for Satanic rituals' - but both the host and the Church of Satan say it's just full of kitschy art!


Frederick Joseph rented the house in upstate New York for his family last weekend

He said when they arrived it immediately did not look like the pictures

There were animal skulls 'hanging' and candles, books, etc for rituals and what looked like devil worship'

Joseph said he fled in fear and was outraged that Airbnb would not refund him

Both the host of the house and the Church of Satan say he overreacted


An Elizabeth Warren campaign surrogate fled his upstate New York Airbnb in fear over the weekend, claiming it was full of Satanic ornaments and being used for devil worship but has since been told by the host and the Church of Satan that he has an overactive imagination.


Frederick Joseph, formerly the national surrogate for Warren and Bernie Sanders, rented the house for himself, his fiancée, his eight-year-old brother and his cousin for two nights for $1,150.


When they arrived, he said they found 'a bunch of imagery, candles, books, etc for rituals and what looked like devil worship'.


He claimed they were all so frightened that they left and fumed at Airbnb for not giving him a refund.

Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.10600336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0438 >>0538 >>0621 >>0698 >>0874 >>0894 >>0908 >>0920 >>0961 >>0963 >>1029

Longtime Illinois police chief fired over a meme he posted about looters


"This social media post is in incredibly poor taste"


A police chief of a suburban village in Illinois was fired after he posted a meme about looters that many found to be controversial.


Thomas Scully worked as the Orland Hills police chief for 15 years but he was fired on Wednesday over the Facebook post.


"We hold all of our public officials to the highest standards in their personal and professional lives in Orland Hills," the village said in a statement according to WBBM-TV.


"This social media post is in incredibly poor taste," they added. "It does not reflect the values of the people of our community, and we will not tolerate such behavior from any of our public officials."


They added in the statement that the village's deputy chief would fill in on an interim basis.

What did the meme say?


The meme was a commentary on the recent rioting and looting that resulted from protests over numerous incidents where black people were killed while in police custody or as a result of the actions of police officers.


It read, "Looting. When free housing, free food, free education, and free phones just aren't enough."


Scully is far from the only public official to lose his position over controversial social media posts.


A staffer for the governor of Maryland was fired in August over posts that justified the shooting at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin that resulted the deaths of two protesters.


One post read, "Don't be a thug if you can't take a slug," with the image of police officer smiling. Another read, "When you see a skateboard wielding Antifa chickens*** get smoked by an AR toting 17-yr-old."

Here's a local news report about the incident:

Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:37 p.m. No.10600368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0375 >>0378




With cold calculation

the Left is assassinating

patriots and nationalists,

conservatives and Christians,

libertarians and Tea Partiers,

Trumpers and MAGA supporters

in Sanctuary Cities,

in Autonomous Zones,

Democrat-controlled riot areas,

and throughout lawless blue states.


State of the Nation


BREAKDOWN: Antifa Targets, Executes Trump Supporter


Last night in Portland left-wing protesters murdered a Trump supporter. This is a breakdown of all available footage of the killing with explainers.


The victim was Jay Bishop.


Please SHARE to bring JUSTICE to the murderer:


— Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 31, 2020


“There have been many hits on the Right since Trump took office. Most of those highly planned executions were carried out without anyone taking notice. Car crashes, drug overdoses, stray bullets in drug dens, spillover of gang violence, airplane malfunctions, crimes of passion, self-defense shootings; you name it, the fake explanation quickly becomes the official cause of death. Now we’re in a different phase of the ongoing color revolution against the American Republic. Not only are famous and/or influential Patriots being purposefully assassinated in broad daylight, the AntiFa assassins want everyone to know. This is called: in-your-face intimidation. The Left wants the Right to be very afraid about showing up in any place that has been taken over by what are really bolsheviks and communists, anarchists and insurrectionists. That gives these treasonous criminals the freedom to set up autonomous zones, BLM riot areas, protest sites and any other type of tyranny. Slowly but surely BLM, AntiFa and SUNRISE are stealthily overthrowing law and order wherever they can get away with it. Their goal is to destabilize all 50 states by effectively conquering all the major cities before they fan out into the suburbs and then invade the rural areas.”

Think Syria…in 2013.


Out of nowhere, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is strategically set up in the Northern Levant.


Known as ISIS, the Islamic State is established wherever the clandestine Zio-Anglo-American terrorist organization can conquer defenseless communities in both Syria and Iraq.


The whole of Syria was subjected to waves of unprecedented terrorism, city-wide riots, toppling of statues, destruction of ancient ruins and looting of cultural artifacts beginning in 2012.


The unfortunate Syrian townspeople and villagers were victimized by mass murders and gruesome killings, widespread rape and sexual assault, human slavery and cruel bondage.


The Syrian War back story is actually much more complicated. The following excerpt from a previous SOTN exposé captures several of the salient points, especially where it relates to the ongoing color revolution in America today.


Author’s Note: The Syrian War provides an excellent illustration of various takeover tactics being used by the purple revolutionaries today throughout the USA. ISIS, Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda were set up, funded and armed by the NWO globalists all over Syria in advance of the totally manipulated civil war. Similarly, Black Lives Matter, AntiFa and SUNRISE Movement were all established by the same globalist organizations and international banksters. Just as the ISIS terrorist organization destroyed Syrian heritage sites and cultural artifacts, inaugurated ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and terrorized vast swaths of the Northern Levant, BLM and AntiFa are being used to knock down statues of America’s Founding Fathers and heroes, destroy American cities controlled by Democrat leadership and foist totalitarian autonomous zones in ultra-liberal cities such as Seattle and Portland. Much more significantly, just as the United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey transported thousands of ISIS terrorists and Al-Nusra mercenaries into Syria to fight that fake civil war, the NWO globalists are secretly moving illegal aliens and economic immigrants (many of them terrorists) across the US-Mexican border and into American sanctuary cities to act as rioters and worse. Therefore, please disseminate this post to get the word out so patriots can at least take pre-emptive measures or move their families out of harm’s way.

(Source: “IT’S A FULL-BLOWN COMMUNIST PLOT” — Whistleblower Reveals the Plan)



Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:39 p.m. No.10600378   🗄️.is 🔗kun



For anyone who doubts the central thesis of this article, please view every single minute of the following video exposé.

ANTIFA/BLM ASSASSINATION TEAM EXPOSED: Cameraman Murder Accomplice Captures Each Stage of the Execution Plan that Killed

Prayer Patriot Aaron “Jay” Danielson (Video)


The evidence presented in the preceding video ought to leave no doubt whatsoever that “They’re killing patriots!”


The communist leaders of this Deep State-coordinated, Democrat-run color revolution know full well that violent intimidation in a country like the United States can be extremely effective. This nation has not experienced this type of widespread unrest and violence since the Civil War, so most people don’t know what to do with it. Many will surely shrink in horror and disgust. The majority, however, will retract in extreme fear and consternation.


Where it concerns the killing of Aaron Danielson, here’s what the perps did: one man’s highly calculated assassination was purposefully and painstakingly filmed only to be uploaded on the Internet for the entire Right to view. It wasn’t just any conservative, by the way, it was a well-liked Christian Patriot who never hurt or threatened anyone. In this way, the Left is sending a message to the Patriot Movement: From 2020 onward, they own and operate the sanctuary cities and states so don’t even try to enter their territory. And, anyone who does attempt to launch a counter-protest will do so on pain of death or serious injury.


The decision-makers at the very top of the communist food chain are hardcore murderers, genocidal maniacs and cold-blooded killers. They have been running cataclysmic color revolution around the globe since before World War I. Millions have been massacred; millions more have been injured and made homeless, so the communist perps really couldn’t care less about a few slaughtered American Patriots. It’s what the New World Order globalists do in the interest of foisting a One World Government on the entire planetary civilization.

Race War


The International Banking Cartel and Crime Syndicate has been instigating wars for centuries. They know the wedge issues that, when driven deeply into the heart of the body politic, have the potential to start civil wars and revolutions, insurrections and coup d’états. They’re also well aware of how combustible racial tensions can be when they are deliberately inflamed. In this manner, the perfidious Democrats and Deep State are working in tandem with the ever-propagandizing and prevaricating mainstream media to foster a hate-filled environment of vengeance and retribution for any and all injuries born out of racism, both real and perceived.


No one can avoid looking at the history of slavery in America, as well as the structured racism against blacks that has existed long after the Emancipation Proclamation. Given all of the many complex and harsh racial realities, there is a prevailing atmosphere of enmity and revenge that many blacks have grown up within. How easy is it, then, for the true instigators of these wholly engineered race riots to throw even more fuel on this raging racism fire?


Racial tensions are even being incited by the U.S. Federal Government. The highly provocative and deceptive “Critical Race Theory” has been promoted by the US government for many years and is responsible for creating a whole generation of brainwashed civil service workers and their families and friends.



Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.10600436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>0698 >>0874 >>0894 >>0908 >>0920 >>0961 >>1029

Trump: Iran to Sign New Agreement ‘Very Rapidly’ With US After Reelection Win


A fresh agreement between the US and Iran will be signed "very rapidly" by Tehran if US President Donald Trump wins his reelection campaign in early November, 45 told reporters on Thursday.


"If we win the election, Iran will come and sign an agreement with us very rapidly. I would say within a week, but let's give ourselves a month," he claimed during a September 10 news conference at the White House.


Trump notably withdrew the US from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement, or Iran nuclear deal, on May 8, 2018, citing Tehran's continued "pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them."


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently made the same argument to the United Nations Security Council after the US set forth a resolution to extend the international arms embargo against Tehran - set to expire October 18.


"We will never allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to have a nuclear weapon," the Washington official vowed.


However, US allies France, Germany and the United Kingdom openly declared that Washington's push to invoke the "snapback" mechanism was actually in violation of the JCPOA, which is still being upheld by its remaining signatories.


"We remain committed to the JCPOA despite the significant challenges caused by US withdrawal," the countries wrote. "We believe that we should address the current issue of systematic Iranian non-compliance with its JCPOA obligations through dialogue between JCPOA participants."


Trump's statements on Tehran's willingness to enter a new agreement come days after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani asserted "the path is clear" for the US to reenter the JCPOA "any day," so long as Washington "decides to admit to its mistakes, make up for its illegal actions and return to Resolution 2231."


Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi announced on Tuesday that Tehran has initiated construction near its Natanz nuclear site on a "modern, larger and more comprehensive" production hall for advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges.

Troop Drawdown to Leave 'About 2,000' US Soldiers in Iraq - Trump


The US president also announced that the Trump administration intends to reduce the number of American troops deployed to Iraq.


"Iraq, we'll be down to about 2,000 soldiers in a very short period of time," he said.


Some 5,200 US troops are presently deployed to Iraq.


Trump's Thursday comments come contrary to those issued a day prior by US Central Command chief Gen. Frank McKenzie.


McKenzie, the top US general in the Middle East, detailed that the country will cut its troop presence in Iraq to 3,000, translating to the departure of some 2,200 US soldiers from the country.


Additionally, some 4,100 US troops would be leaving Afghanistan - which currently hosts 8,600 American soldiers - McKenzie told reporters on September 9. Trump echoed this estimate on Thursday, noting that a smaller number of troops would remain in Syria to patrol the embattled country's northeast oil fields and provide military assistance to Kurdish forces in the region.

Anonymous ID: f876f5 Sept. 10, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.10600534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>0698 >>0874 >>0894 >>0908 >>0920 >>0961 >>1029

Mike Pompeo: Time to Send Afghanistan on ‘Next Step in Its Trajectory’ with Peace Talks


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters on the way to Doha, Qatar, that the United States is committed to ending the war in Afghanistan once and for all and eventually reducing American forces on the ground there to zero.


Pompeo is, as President Donald Trump announced at a White House press briefing on Thursday, attending talks between the Afghan government and Taliban leadership in Doha to begin the peace process and eventually end America’s longest war. The summit, which will be on Saturday, comes a day after the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Pompeo will arrive in Doha the evening of Sept. 11, and has a series of meetings lined up with Afghan and Taliban leaders on Saturday Sept. 12 in Doha. On his return trip to Washington, DC, Pompeo will stop in Cypress to meet with its president. Breitbart News is accompanying the Secretary on the historic trip to Doha.


“I want to thank you all for joining us on this trip. It’s really historic,” Pompeo said on the plane en route to Doha. “It’s taken us longer than I wish it had to get from Feb. 29 to here. But we expect Saturday morning for the first time in almost two decades that we will have the Afghans sitting at the table again. We’re prepared to have what will be contentious discussions about how to move the country forward, to reduce violence, and to deliver what the Afghan people are demanding: a reconciled Afghanistan – government that reflects the country and that isn’t at war.”


Pompeo said that American “men and women who have been there now since 9/11—almost 20 years now” are ready to come home.


“We’ve spent a lot of American blood and treasure to help the Afghan people be successful, to take down Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and we’ve had tremendous success,” he said. “There’s less than a couple hundred Al Qaeda left. The vast majority of their senior leadership are no longer on the battlefield. We can be proud of what we’ve achieved, but we can be proud of this next step. I’m mindful of how difficult these conversations will be among the Afghans, but it’s theirs for the taking. It’s their country to figure out how to move forward and make a better life for the Afghan people.”


When asked by Breitbart News about this trip occurring on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Pompeo said he believes the American people’s “righteous indignation” in response to the deadly attack that left the Twin Towers in New York City destroyed and thousands of Americans dead was “wholly justified.” But he said that “now is the moment for Afghanistan” to be sent on “the next step in its trajectory” by negotiating peace and ending the war.