Anonymous ID: ef4fd2 Sept. 11, 2020, 4:35 a.m. No.10601749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9-11 never would've happened on JFK's watch. Or President Trump's.


As we fight, fight, fight our enemies of the U.S. Constitution I get weary sometimes. I had my phone's internet in the Fox News Channel just now, for a distraction while I do some difficult (i.e., emotionally draining) work.


I almost never listen to TV, not even Fox, but I needed a distraction.


Oops, though, it's September 11th, so everyone is talking about the 19 sand monkeys who supposedly attacked us, and whose un-charred, pristine passports landed all together in a tidy pile on a sidewalk in NYC.


I remember the day like it was yesterday and we all know it was an intentional attack by our own fucking government officials, not the smelly pedo sand monkeys.


Q, it's disappointing to hear the lies about 9-11. Rudy was just on, bitching about the sand monkeys (my words, not his).


Can we please tell the American public the truth about 9-11, or what, for fuck's sake? Are we protecting Rudy and others who knew about the plan and let it happen? When the fuck do citizens' fucking lives starting fucking matter? And what the fuck was in the funeral envelopes, please?


Yeah, I'm mad.