Anonymous ID: 5e550f Sept. 11, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.10603538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dancing Israelis Oh Goy! We Celebrated 9/11

We Celebrated 9/11


On September 11th 2001, a group of foreigners who worked for a front company in new Jersey were witnessed celebrating the attacks on the Word trade Centers. They flicked lighters, posed for pictures, gave each other hugs and high fives. No they were not Muslim terrorist or Arabs. They were Jewish and they were all Israeli. They worked for a moving company which turned out to be one of a series of Israeli moving companies with ties to the September 11th attacks. The 5 men arrested on 9/11 while still driving the moving company van seen with them as at least three of them were jumping around celebrating the first plane hitting the North Tower, have come to be known as “the dancing Israelis.” One of the first journalist to real push this story was Justin Raimondo of who passed away in June of 2019. He wrote a book about the event.


“A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States – including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey.”

The title is quite clear ” Israeli Surveillance of the Future Hijackers and FBI Suspects in the September 11 Attacks and Their Failure to Give Us Adequate Warning: The Need for a Public Inquiry”


The conclusion of Gerald Shea, the lawyer behind the memorandum, is the same as my own and Raimondo, who wrote: “The Israelis were engaged in spying on U.S. soil in the months leading up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, that these agents were concentrated in the two areas where the 9/11 hijackers lived and planned their atrocities – Hollywood, Fla., and two counties in New Jersey, Bergen and Hudson – and that they did not share all they knew about preparations for the attack with U.S. authorities.” That means they had foreknowledge of the attacks at minimal, and apparently some of them couldn’t keep it together and were caught rejoicing as hundreds of Americans died instantly when flight 11 crashed into the North Tower, thousands more would follow.



In some circles it has been well known since September 11th 2001 that a group of Israeli Jews were witnessed celebrating the attacks on the WTC buildings, on 9/11. Two of them were already listed on the Counter Intelligence Database. Their story unravels a covert operation where Al Qaeda was receiving financial and logistical support from foreign state intelligence agencies. Recently some of the pictures they took on the day where they were witnesses, hugging each other, giving high fives, and flicking lighters like they were at a rock concert, have been released by the FBI albeit heavily redacted.


Not only had they been witnessed parked and celebrating just after the first plane stuck the North Tower of the WTC, other witnesses had seen them there and their van as early as 8AM which is 46 minuted before the first plane hit.


8:00 is 46 minutes BEFORE the first plane, thus porving Israeli foreknowledge.


The CIA was sent video footage of TWO white vans both of which arrived one after the other at 8:29-8:31. This maybe in reference to other UMS trucks seen in Liberty State Park also just across the river form the WTC


This witness saw the white van as well as a brown van behind it and the three men, less than 5minutes after the first plane hit. The Israelis were already there parked and celebrating.

It has been painstaking to get this information out because of the wave of asinine kook ‘theories’ about 9/11 that were quickly disseminated by loud mouth radio hosts like Alex Jones, who specialize in selling fear-porn paranoia with a political theme. The story about the Israelis was buried under mountains of disinformation about 9/11 which seemed to talk about anything other than who did it. Hijackers were dismissed. In some cases even the planes were dismissed. The public was put on a path to no where, like a dog chasing its tail, by films like Loose Change and a hundred copycat films. Mini-nukes, Direct Energy Weapons, thermite paint, Missiles, pods, even holograms were thrown in the faces of the public. It was done dogmatically and loudly until the 911 truth movement was tarnished so badly that well meaning people just threw their hands in the air and gave up.


Give us 20 Years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.

constantly recycling “The End is Near”