>>1060443 (last bread)
>Adam Schiff
>>1060443 (last bread)
>Adam Schiff
They weren't theirs to sell, so when the Chinks stop buying bonds we revoke their deedswhich were probably illegally transferred using the automated system making them null and void anyway.
FFS anons search for "CHINA BUYS GRAND CANYON" and check out all of the results. Our traitors will hang continually for years. If China wants to claim their illegally obtained land it's time for nuclear war.
I'd be pumping that into Shitter to keep their resolve soft for our late Sunday offensive.
Anon raises a legit point tho nigger. Doesn't mean Q is larp but an explanation needs to be found.
>forced begging
So that's why Paris is shit. These kids are threatened with rape and beatings if they don't meet daily begging quotas for their pimps.
Even if it's not true, look at all of the different results. The sellout to China and other countries reached epic proportions either way. It might be time for full out nuclear war.
Fucking kek.
>christian sect
Gee sounds so similar to language used to refer to radical shitskin mooslums. Total cohencidence of course.any parent that lets their children be taken by the state deserves death even if their children don't
That's why Q is rightly riding us tonight. I feel sorry for the nigger, trying to save a country of braindead niggerlovers.
>teach their kids to think for themselves
Remember the EU tower of babel poster where all of the adults have square (block) heads and the child has a round (normal) head?
I think you missed something nig.
You ask Terry answers.
Solid bantz.
Hijack the R Lee Ermy h/t?
Noone hates kikes more than I do but you might be missing some history anon?
>POTUS makes sensational tweets
>kikes and their goy become outraged and start h/t that trend
>we hijack and inject redpill d'jour
If the nig spreads our shit without flooding more normies here nig is at least better than half the normies repeating our stuff.
>Discredit the American Constitutionโฆ
>In 2012, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg and A.C.L.U member said exactly this while visiting Cairo, Egypt.
Then what was the Armenian genocide?
This. We need maximum psychological torture of the satanist leftists.
A meme about the Shenzhen Stock Exchange being designed by that weirdo with a caption like "about as much confidence in this guy's work as a tiananmen student has in the chinese government" could be /comfy/.
Also the black/white is fag masonic symbolism, and also symbolic of a split personality from trauma.
A plant shouldn't be illegal to "free" people. It's antithetical to the USA.
Makes even more sense why faggot pedophiles targetted the org, beyond their normal abominable desires and hatred for anything decent.
Can't agree more mycobro.
That's the empty carcass of something once decent but infiltrated and raped to death by satanist leftist faggot child rapists. All they are is decay and destruction. They eat feces FFS.
That's weird, domain registrations are for 1 year minimum.
So Onigger/HRC got our """partners""" to get in on spying on POTUS before and after election. What does Q want us to do with that?