Anonymous ID: dc5595 Sept. 11, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.10605780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think it through, do not miss Q's obvious point on 9-10-20.


Connect the dots for the folks.


Link blatant reality to Barry's shadow presidency. 


Biden's obvious Ear Lobe job is physical evidence of Barry Shadows. Shadowy Barry, term 4, void of pillow, whispers sweet nothings in Biden's ear, dicking around with National elections. Plan was to turn the old coot into a silver tongued, Obama's shadow.


Brown shirts / black hoods, two sides of same coin, more in your face evidence of Barry's shadow presidency. Who was the shadow behind Barry's first 8 ? ! ?


'Qanon' attacked, falsely accused of doing the exact same thing Barry's shadow government is doing. More mimicking of Alinsky/Hitler tactics, manifestation of Shadow Government utilizing their controlled propaganda machine, MSM.


Disappearing memes, a phenomena for the whole social media world to witness. Keep pumping them out regardless of life expectancy. New truth is not in any given meme but the fact they keep disappearing, blatant evidence of mind control witnessed by all of social media… leading to DARPA,


DARPA, LSD, drug snorting idiots hell bent in turning world into their private cesspool… evil shadowy president controlling it all.


Shadow Presidency is back drop, underlying factor, with many 'in our face' manifestations. Link, connect real world, not seeming normal at all, connect it to one thing, shadow president.


Paint the pictures.


Obviously I prefer words to graphical meme… though I have done some, but currently I do not have the tools I used to have, my few memes suffer sadly.


Please rip off my text, I often key with graphics in clear mind, easily fashioned into a pictorial meme like from above:


"Shadowy Barry, term 4, void of pillow, whispers sweet nothings in Biden's ear, dicking around with National elections."


Across top, eloquent bedroom pillow set on made bed, right pillow couches Q 1509, circular crop, head resembling, with fading edge, crop lays on pillow like a head fading greatest at bottom, legs, which is off billow. Hand holding highlighted in dingy yellow swirling off like tobacco stained smoke. Left pillow small Barry old initials crossed off with bold new initials. Four presidential seals (4 terms) on left pillow, one in each corner, lower right is very faded, as in what is to come. Superimposed in foreground, center, Biden Speaking, mask dangling off left ear. A bold Biden 2020 placard dominates low left corner. Left edge, center a shadowy Obama with mic to mouth highlighted in same dingy yellow smoking off into Biden's right attached ear lobe. Right edge center rioting flames with black silhouetted Antifa flag imposed on top.  Lower right are theses words, stacked: Obama, grows up, to screw all, Fundamental, Transformation. Keep it marginally, on-the-edge, polite. I'd be tempted to add, 'The Dick, unlike Tricky, who never left, butt always LEFT.' But I would not, hoping someone else would see the point and paste it on. 'Where there is smoke there is also fire', would be another good addition. 'What goes up… Biden's head… ?'


Say, has anyone noticed Antifa logo flag set looks like a key, or keys, in the hole? I'm thinking somebody did. Think on that one, now in retrospect, future proves past. So in above graphic I would ghost in a fancy key handle on the flag set, extended to Biden.