They doxed him, here they are anons
They doxed him, here they are anons
Day late dollar short. So bitter so crippled
Would explain why phones got wiped
>I was just reading the article:
>Some of their investigation seems to have gaps.
>1) How did they "cross-referenced the listed premises of Patriot Platforms to a PO box at a New Jersey Post Office." then?
>2) How did they derive his name, "From here, we also found a name, Jason Gelinas"?
>I guess they just searched Patriot Platforms LLC at the NJ Secretary of State website, but sounds a bit sketchy as to how they got that info.
Its sketchy as hell
>This is an APP NOT to use
He says to do WHAT with it….anywhere….Ill wait you shallow thinking shill flavored cunt.
The Doctor approves.