Anonymous ID: 4b7951 Sept. 11, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.10611556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1710

lb notable >>10610856 , >>10610947, >>10610979 Brennan, Comey, Mueller and 9/11 ?

re. twin towers (cabal destroying itself)


remember [They] control history, they burn books to remove, control most publishers, control education (books), and censor and eliminate.


It is not for the present, they do it for the future.

In present they control LEO, FBI and Courts. If they cannot contain they move it up to a level they can contain. (think epstein/mueller he is intel/one of ours, if they did not have Mueller at FBI, they would send it to CIA, NSC or Potus) if that fails they eliminate witnesses and judges.

They have 100% confidence they can escape accountability for things they do not want to get out.

Look at us now 4 years later after trying to rig an election 2016, and a coup, one crime after another and we get a KC charge will be probation if that. (hoping but have to deal with the reality)


Point is when they write the history books in 2080, the ukraine call (Potus) transcript schifty read in congress will be the actual call trancript, not fiction that is how they operate, they seed and insert, we laugh today and it is the official record tomorrow, facts get classified away forever, or destroyed (with the countries).


The twin towers falling is for the new testament/religious books signifying the destruction of america, Babylon part 2. Just like Babylon in the bible, they pervert a society, destroy it and write a version that becomes Biblical where sheep believe a Loving Benevolent God did it to help mankind. why? because they have domain as gods (satanic) of earth, as we know satan rules the earth until god brings his kingdom to earth when they are eliminated

Anonymous ID: 4b7951 Sept. 11, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.10611740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


merely an accident, we have to take them at their word, unless a email appears that says I andrew weissman hereby order everyone to knwongly commit a crime and destroy evidence by wiping your phones.

and even then if the email is not printed, notarized and found/submitted as evidence it is not a crime.

ohh and then you need someone to investigate and prosecute and Dems are the only ones effective at that so we have to ask them to do it, we can prolly let them steal the election in exchange for that, they are tought negotiators.