Wash her with bleach first
@Good Dog interview with
Tell us about CIA operator Robert Johnson ..
QTell Anons who HE is ….
Robert Johnson..
Tell us about CIA operator Robert Johnson ..
QTell Anons who HE is OR I will ….
Robert Johnson..
Tell us about CIA operator Robert Johnson ..
QTell Anons who HE is OR I will ….
Robert Johnson..
Tell us about CIA operator Robert Johnson ..
Q Tell Anons who HE is OR I will ….
Robert Johnson..
Long ago I read during a Q decode that
William Barr was hired by Trump
as a deal with GWB B/C he spilled
the whole thing top to bottom
William Barr is there to protect GWB
and his family
Barr can take out and will take out the bunch
Barr will however not to touch
instead of arguing with me lets wait and see
Adult Like
William P Barr AKA CIA Robert Johnson
cool don't mind me