workfagged and have a slamming headache from weather, I did partially, will catch up when handing off. 9/11 hit this year was on us and the Digital Front for sure. I had my insta struck and warned for posting pepe I posted late last bread.. shit is getting real.
Notables are NOT endorsements
-@Bacon hold notes till next dough-
10612027 Video: This is what panic looks like! #PanicInDC - Re Durham aide's resignation
>>10611988 , >>10612046 Brennan, Comey, Mueller and 9/11 ?
>>10611919 Notable for keks: Lone Suspect Wanted - West Coast Fires
>>10611913 Glenn Greenwald: POTUS should use pardon power to end "abusive prosecution" of Julian Assange
>>10611897 Democrat running against QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene suddenly drops out of Georgia race for 'personal reasons'
(baker change)
>>10611918, >>10611939, >>10611975, >>10611979, >>10612085, >>10612132, >>10612306, >>10612231, >>10612133, >>10612156, >>10612368, >>10612370, >>10612387, >>10612403, >>10612407, >>10612415, >>10612419, >>10612488 >>10612491, >>10612532 Pepe CAN'T BE STOPPED!
>>10611969, >>10612538 Corney/Brennan Q block posts look like twin towers
>>10612311 Compilation of Signal Digs from 9/11/20 multiple breads
>>10612382 DJT Jr. (Twatt) Wow, seems like one hell of a coincidence. I wonder why they all did that? Sounds like collusion and obstruction of justice.
>>10612389, >>10612541 PDJT (Twatt) Thank You Samantha. A Star Is Born!!
>>10612412 Sept. 7, 2020 Salinas, California: Anita Esquivel charged with arson
>>10612465 QAnon Key Figure Revealed as Financial Information Security Analyst from New Jersey (logically.ai)
>>10612015 A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 (ine.uaf.edu)
>>10612544 Misinformation and conspiracy theories plague Oregon firefighting efforts (Youtube)