Anonymous ID: dcf9a0 Sept. 11, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.10612642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seeing all these signal app notables like its fresh. Anons must have got hit with the memoryhole stick. I remember that happening in real time and nobody batting an eye. Even when the news outlets mentioned it in may and june whats going on here? I say it a million times

/We/ get "censored", they are sam hyde and continue getting away with it. As if these platforms arent compromised and monitored. Discord should have told you guys like a couple years ago. Gab too. I mean reeeeeeally with that one. (Pic related) gab(dot)ai


Kvetch kvectch oy vey nazis


Its now confirmed "these people are stupid" doesnt just mean who we think it means

And heavily suggestive of an intel higher up conversation meaning all kinds of people.


Point is if we dont draw attention to it it wont hinder an investigation. Doubting many anons ever took that into consideration involving anything. Curious how many weve compromised. "Soon" could have been soon and not years if deltas