cool guns but soo fucking loud they will ring your skull.
All I know is I'm at the range with my 45 and some dude starts popping AR looking rifle, my earplugs couldn't cut it, had to leave.
I was outside!
Next time I brought plugs AND muffs.
Also too lazy to reload and that gets expensive.
religion had divided man for centuries.
Did you hear about that new military rifle they had to abandon cause it was causing brain damage?
KEK, now that must really be loud!
yeah the military's always concerned about wasting money KEK
FBI are legally allowed to lie to citizens.
How many shots until the barrel glows?
Like any fucking interrogation video ever shown, where you been, come on man.
Christianity = surrender of self to GOD
Hinduism = surrender of self to GODS
Yoga = distraction of self via mantra
buddism = destruction of self via meditaion.
Islam = surrender of self to ALLAH haha
starting to see a pattern yet?
You are seriously that fucking stupid?
religion is not needed for control example MSM
shit time to go to sleep talking to myself now JEEZE
all your symbols are belong to us.
Like a slap in their face, I'd say
and you post the same fucking picture we have all seen a million times. got it thanks.
got anything new ?
just sleepy making a few mistakes don't want to miss anything.
oh stick your tongue deeper please
Love alone knows no death, it is only those without love or compassion that fear death. empathy extends the you. Another is hurt and you feel the pain of it so your consciousness is also with the rest of mankind.
love thy neighbor as thyself was the instruction right?