Any fags on here see the ADA COVID Medical Provider Note Template? Teachers Union passing out to locals. Teachers are using this in Massachusetts to get out of their teacher jobs. From what I have experienced they are scared to death to come back cuz of MSM COVID bullshit. Gov Baker is a RHINO like Romney! Mostly remote in MA but hybrid in Oct. when going back kids can not play on playground equipment, no toys, no taking out library books, no lockers, can’t put anything thing in desks, no moving around, gym, art music in classrooms(No singing), six feet apart masked up! Mask breaks less than 15 minutes windows must be all open and student stands near window! “Guideline” are fuckin insane! Parents need to fuckin stand up to this bullshit! BTW this is elementary school kids are PrK-4 ages 4-9
What the fuck are we doing to our kids?