Anonymous ID: e14710 Sept. 12, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.10616029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6415

Been lurking tonight. Not sure what to say…..but…I got my parents into Q a while back, personally been on following since the beginning, the night the first Q posts came up and the original battles with the /CBTS/ shillbots.


my mom sends me pastor videos, etc and I see anons here discussing some pastors video, revelation, tribulation, etc.


And I just feel the urge to say, "God" indeed is Truth & Love, & Yeshua manifested that through mankind as no other ever has, but "God" is so much bigger than one "religion."


Religion, Politics, Taxes, Sports, Education, Entertainment, its all just layers of the matrix that is "Babylon"


If anyone is so religious as to think that "God" I.e. Infinite Totality of Truth & Love, is going to send a single human, I.e. the human form of "himself" (more accurately "ItSelf") I.e. "Jesus" (more accurately Yeshua) down to little planet Earth, on a horse in some clouds……i find it hard to take that person seriously.


Jesus/Yeshua said that we would do greater* things than He. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the poor. I've known and witnessed healings, ive heard praise reports when I was in church of a dead person being brought back to life, etc.


And all that is well and goos, but is greater quantity of the same things Jesus did, actually "greater" ?


I've worked in a small town independent Christian bookstore, I've been in the community my entire life, but as ive grown older, and studied other philosophies, Taoism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, I cant help but to think that mainstream Christianity, in the current form we know it, is used more as a way to simply indoctrinate and placate the masses.


Jesus, the Symbol for Love/Truth personified, is already here, within you, within me! What does he have to "come back" for, when he's already here, ready to do the good compassionate work through us, if only we learn to study our ego, learn about the "Self", and learn to attain equanimity, so that we may see the world from Heaven's perspective?


"All is One"

"E Pluribus Unum" Out of Many, One.


Its alchemical, this is about turning "Lead" I.e. base human nature, egoism, into "Gold" I.e. altruistic human nature, selflessness, through Love & Truth.


Faith & Hope are required for the truest concept of "Love" to be fulfilled, but this "Faith" must be "True."


What is "Truth" ? This is the question Pilate asked Jesus. I guess I just dont see how one could have such faith as to say "this interpretation is true!" When it is merely faith in an interpretation, which does not meet the requirements for a "Truth."




"Hear O Israel, The Lord is Our God, The Lord is One. (Shema prayer)


"God" is within All Things, Anything that "Is" at its very core, the divine essence of the Creator.


God is "Being", God is Truth Through Love. Truth, is a state of Being (the State of God), Truth is Balance through Composure. Balance is a state if Being where All Things are in equilibrium, Composure is the ability to Stand (I.e. "To Be") on One's Own.


Love is the Character of God's Being, Truth is It's state of Being. Love is Hope through Faith. God is Infinite Totality. We are finite Beings. Infinite aspects of "God" will forever be Unknown to Us. (Kek, I.e. Chaos, represents the Unknown.) "Faith" is "Trust in the Unknown." Once the Unknown is trusted, "Hope" comes naturally from this bond. "Hope" is a belief that The Greatest Possible Outcome is possible, even plausible, in any situation.


Hope through Faith.

Truth Through Love.

All (God) is One.


"Christ" I.e. Messiah (Mashiach) will invade this world, not from the clouds, but from within our very being, through our Love for our fellow man.


This battle has been long, it has been tiring, but we will not lose. We will persevere.


Sorry for all the ramblings, blessings to All Anons.