Anonymous ID: 11ed9b Sept. 12, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.10617798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7843

>>10617601 With the way the dark side placed their people throughout the system, wide & deep, they are not just in key positions (not as many now), but also in the secondary and tertiary positions for moving up. From the beginning, our side had no choice but to operate on the principle of keep your enemies closer. It's been a 24/7/365 wrestling match wherever one looks.


So a never Trumper was next to Durham. She was unable to do any real damage, or she would have done more than a juvenile, grandstanding resignation, right before hell breaks loose. Good riddance to her.


Might as well join the other side? That's no way to talk, anon. We all made our choice, knowing it was war. This is the time for balance and steely eyed strength.

Anonymous ID: 11ed9b Sept. 12, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.10617898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8003 >>8030 >>8088 >>8167

>>10617843 The whole point of Q some time ago pointing at an October surprise, as well as Barr a few days ago refusing to say that nothing would happen before the election, as well as Durham's cohort resigning/whining, as well as the rumors now exploding, is that something IS going to happen before the election. The hint about starting our clocks did not mean it would necessarily start today, just that it is imminent. Anywhere from now to 30 days out, and rationally speaking, 3 weeks before the election would be ideal if it is going to be one gigantic nuke job. But that does not make sense either–likelier and more sensible is the release of MOABS in a series of drops, starting any time now.