Wonder where she is
Yes yes, very very upsetting. Very.
Good to see comments tearing them apart. Surprised Twitter didn't hit that one yet with it obligatory 3 bot posts that get bumped to the top.
Make sure they push the Climate Change angle on the fires. That way we'll be able to push the arsonists as evidence and make the public understand that Climate Change is nothing more than a global slush fund too.
Is that a stand-in?
School is alright Anon, kids have to be around other kids and learn shit. Also that's a shill.
Have you ever spent all day with several kids?
Do we want witch hunts? Chance that the general populace will go nuts with vengeance and start targeting the wrong people with barely anything to their name.
But we did it in 4 years with a single intelligence agency, a hotel tycoonist and an anime forum.
ez pz.
Optics. Google under control for example.
You're describing a poor environment.
Do you forgo family structure because several families beat and molest their children?
Do you abandon a country because it has been infiltrated from the inside out over a hundred years?
8 children going to a picturesque meadow with a blonde woman in a dress to learn how to write on logs is a form of schooling. A lone boy sparring with the town fighter is schooling. Even posting here is.
New stars learned.