The planes in the bubbles are going the other way?
Does that mean they are the majority
And they are RIGHT?
The planes in the bubbles are going the other way?
Does that mean they are the majority
And they are RIGHT?
If the bubble planes
Are in the majority
And they are right
Then how come they are flying to the LEFT???
I'm outraged
Because whenever they sing about boys
They are only showingGIRLSwith big boobs
Falling out of their bikini tops.
I'm just livid with rage
Did you notice
That the blue flower design on her mug
Looks like fingers
Of two hands cupping the object
The way your girlfriend holds her morning coffee
With two hands.
I too
Like to reach out
And cup things in my hands
The simple joys
God works in mysterious ways
Oh my goodness
It seems that there are other things
That girls like to cup in their hands
We have something in common!!!
Do you think this line would work?
He: Hi there, did you know that we have something in common?
She: What's that?
He: Do you like to cup your breasts in your hands?
Be careful around cars
They are smarter than you think
This one took a selfie while smoking a cigarette
Could be 13 days of declassification
More documents every day
And then on the last day, the 23rd
The first real indictment!