thanks baker
central standard time
i prefer non namefagging bakers myself.
>which did its best to stamp out Christianity
it was the 1st century roman ceasar titus flavius that invented christianity as a means of control over judea after it was destroyed for not agreeing to worship the ceasar.
romans may have invented the catholic denomination of christ(messiah)ianity as well. but they invented the story of jesus(savior) long before that in the first century to appeal to the messianic myths of judea and paganism to trick them into worshiping the ceasar. which judea refused to do until flavius destroyed judea and flattened herod's temple in jerusalem. then he gave them a roman approved messiah representing the ceasar to worship. the story of jesus' ministry even mirrors the roman military campaign in the region at the time. the reign of ceasar titus flavius was the 2nd coming prophesized in the bible.
one article i read yesterday about qmap being kill said it had 10 million visitors in the month of july. it sucks they doxxed the guy and made him take it down, but the great awakening has grown so big that all the censorship does now is wake up moar normies.