>I came to this board to find some kind of sticky that would sum up the essentials for newfags
The fuck makes you think that this is the place for newfags?
>I came to this board to find some kind of sticky that would sum up the essentials for newfags
The fuck makes you think that this is the place for newfags?
>It's my impression that it isn't. That's why I came here.
Then why would we have ever made any sort of spoon feeding capacity here? You dont get it, THIS is the edge of the pointy end of the spear. You wanna learn? Take the time that we all have lived through and go through every bread created. Show respect to those who have and are now kicking you in the nads for being so stupid. We arent here for newfags, we are here to be prepared to alert normies, that when things start really going to hell in a hand basket, to be able to stop them from all out panicing.
>We should all prepare for the possibility that we will eventually be doxxed. I love what the owner of QMap did for the community but by taking the site down he has emboldened them. If something works it will continue. The damage was already done to him, he should put it back up.
>Never apologize for being a Patriot.
Impossible for me to agree more.
Mr Obvious is fun, but anti Q
>"The hacker known as 4chan"
>He obviously have no clue at all what he is talking about.
No he does. It is his way at taunting those who dont know i.e. msn. Older videos show that.