Anonymous ID: 41a6ec April 16, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.1062588   🗄️.is 🔗kun









This is an email from John Podesta four days before Scalia was murdered. Notice they mention "the Vineyard". That is the ranch that Scalia was visiting the night he was killed. They also talk about "wet works". That is a slang term that assassins use when they discuss killing a victim.


Date: 2016-02-09 20:56

Subject: RE: Thanks


I am all in


Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down

From: John Podesta []

Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM

To: Steve Elmendorf <>

Subject: Thanks


Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.


A few hours after Scalia's body was found, John Podesta received an email from Chris Stone of George Soros' Open Society Foundation discussing a possible replacement for Scalia:


Scalia replacement


Date: 2016-02-13 22:16

Subject: Scalia replacement


Remember our discussion of Wallace Jefferson, Chief Justice in Texas?


Christopher Stone

President, Open Society Foundations


Podesta receives another suggestion for a replacement Justice at this time from a Brent Budowsky:


Scalia Supreme Court seat


Date: 2016-02-13 22:00

Subject: Scalia Supreme Court seat


I suggest Senator Jack Reed. Nearly perfect liberal, pro-choice,

Army Ranger, Harvard Law, highly respected Senator with friends such as McCain, quickly and easily confirmable, short circuits the holy war Republicans will try to wage.


Sent from my iPad


The email below is one year before Scalia was killed. This was Podesta and his conspirator setting up the kill and arranging payment.


Potentially coded email describing the plot

There is another email sent to John Podesta from a "viejojoe" in which a "2016 political, game changing film project" is discussed almost exactly a year before Scalia's death:


Below are exerpts from email 1459:


Date: 2015-11-17 03:40

Subject: A 2016 game changing, feature film project for your consideration.


Dear Professor Podesta,

Hello from a D.A.R. documented descendant of Ohio Governor Robert Lucas,

chairman of the very first DNC Convention that was held in Baltimore.

He was appointed by the President to become the territorial governor of Iowa.

I also sent this to


Remember what happened when President Reagan said

"Tear Down This Wall?" to Mr. Gorbachev,


A gigantic economic expansion was ignited.


That's the goal of this film project.


I have the script, the budget and a producer for this 2016 political, game

changing film project - funding is needed.

You would be in charge of the content and selecting the producer.


This lengthy email includes a single link to the Smithsonian's website which is a map of Texas can be seen:


There is speculation that this email is a lengthy coded message, which seems to be supported by the mysterious nature of the sender, the sender's use of false personal information like being "Joe Patterson", and the "plot" of the movie discussed. Who would need to ask John Podesta to read a movie script anyway?


In addition there were many unusual events following Scalia's death which hindered any further investigation:


No autopsy

No medical examiner on site to decipher cause of death

No U.S. Marshal protection detail accompanying Scalia

No functioning CCTV cameras on day of death

Scalia was found clothed on bed with pillow over face

Scalia’s body was mysteriously cremated before it could be examined