Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 12:27 a.m. No.1062337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2350 >>2383

any other anon's computer crashed strangely lately?

there's been a strange surge in stories of anons stations getting btfo'd.

happened to anon about a month ago.

was mysteriously blocked (not banned) from halfchan for a couple of weeks.

a confluence of weird events, for sure.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.1062352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2366 >>2390


that's just not true. most people that hear about Q don't know the source and have never heard of it – and so they go first to search engines.

yes, it is weird that Q would point to it, it's our job to find out why.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.1062406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i just basically said fuck it years ago.

knew they were all over me like stink on shit.

if anything, anon attempts (successfully, often) to get them to tip their hand, knowing i'm being monitored.

if they really want in, they can – at least in my case – get into every single facet of your life. the extent of it has convinced me that the end of this paradigm is necessary.

this is a form of existential rape. it's a wholesale desecration of everything upon which the Constitution is premised.

simply put, if this kind of monitoring and control is necessary for this system to sustain, this system is not legitimate and must be completely eviscerated..not even a vestige of it should remain.

it is evil at its core and that rot has metastasized to its extremities. its character can be likened to the perversion of the maternal instinct. the system truly is matronizing. in presupposing there exists an optimal mode for humanity it attempts to chide and 'nudge' all who establish their independence – the sheeple who stray from the herd. the way psychotic mothers obsess over control of their children – long after they are adults – to such an extent that they will menace them for lack of submission. which is to say, the modern paradigm is like a psychotic mother. her natural maternal instinct being so warped and corrupted that it cannot help but harm in a perverse attempt to 'help'.


God help us.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 1 a.m. No.1062463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2471 >>2478 >>2486


most autists don't participate on Q threads because they are so cluttered with everything, not just boomers and normies.

personally, anon has, since november, sifted through Q posts for instructions…the hints and predictions are to establish credibility for normies and boomers. the whole purpose of Q was to widen the audience of our theories…and it's worked brilliantly. the Q op will be the most effective redpill strategy of forever.

autists will always have spaces to develop strategy, research, toss ideas about and bant – wherever we are, there the vanguard is also.

all that being said, the Q op is about to move into a new phase.

understanding that, anon decided to dedicate some time on the Q boards; doing all i can to sculpt the narrative…and again interact with Q – my anon buddy from way back.

>t was in the first several Q threads and banted with the man himself casually…like he was a bro

>t knows Q's identity and am blown away that we anons (and the boomers, etc. who've come to participate) have the opportunity to engage a man like that as peers on the internet.

have respect for Q; but know he is one of us

John Barlow would've surely approved.


when the truth comes out, Q will be looked at as one of the great political marvels of all time.

we anons are intimately participating in the literal forging of future history…now…in the present tense. it's that big, anons. and Q really does love anons, btw. he's been an elite autist since long before it was ever identified as such.


Excelsior, lads



Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.1062547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2562


i liked your post, anon. it's a pretty good summation of where we stand and what's ahead – in a vague sorta way.

i'm prepared to go on fighting.

whether or not some at the top of Trump's team like it, the fact that we are engaged in a cultural war involves some necessary tactics that, on their surface may seem unsavory – undermining their cult like orthodoxies at every turn; their doctrines of inversion are their source of cultural power, we must neutralize them – and to anon that's not an unsavory thing.

look, the only people who're really calling us racists are kikes and those associated with kike institutions – their voices are all out of proportion with the world's population.

we bear no race malice (even though we bant about the ideosyncracies of various races and tease, no one is literally calling for the extermination or attack of any others); rather, what they're charecterizing as racist is literally the most established and firmly rooted form of auto-actualization and self-identification: race conciousness. the recognition that you are derived of a given race (even partly) feeds into your very sense of personhood; in fact, it largely informs it. most people throughout the world and in all of history, when asked what they are, will list race before gender, and after only religion.

this necessary element of actualization and self-understanding has been successfully demonized for white people, and white people only.

the rest of the world sees it, and they marvel over it.

we autists have been forced to confront this, as it's supressed (but emergent) in the public consciousness. there is a pevasive and surging mistrust of the establishment. people are starting to openly ask why the subject of race is verboten for white people? why do tptb, who in every single way undermine us, so aggressively and passionately persecute any who positively correlate anything good to white people…why is it that any mention of whiteness must be appended with criticism and villification?

and we are racist and deplorable for pointing this out?

they're going to have a hard time maintaining their argument against a confident debater uncowed by the chiding herd of talking heads.

we have a president with just such courage.

it should inspire us.

perhaps it's time we start showing our power level instead of hiding it…and not be obsequious and apologetic and cucked-out milquetoast faggots when we speak about it.

>like, yeah, you bigoted fuck, it is okay to be white. how dare you say otherwise, racist.

also, little trick for you anons: ask any libcuck to define racism.

they can't.

and any definition they give can be easily turned against them.

racism is the ultimate canard.

it's intent is to weaken and undermine (You)…no matter your race.

everyone should feel good about who they are. even – gasp – white people.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.1062577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sophisticated (and targeted) shilling, to be sure; but shilling nonetheless.

what did your sister do in the obama administration – what doe she do for him presently?

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.1062634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2645 >>2661 >>2662


i sense that Trump and Q wanted to start releasing and prosecuting as far back as last fall.

my guess is that caution was heeded and that the IG report will be the real catalyst.

the report is comprehensive, totally unbiased and quarterbacked by a nerdy jew (one of the few good jews). the optics on this are sterling. hopefully, this will flush out the good jews who remain – permitting them excuse to name the bad jews and join the side of justice, in that the hand of mossad and organized kikery will be a consistent theme – when reading between the lines – of the IG report.

using the report as political coverage, Sessions can commence his prosecutions and Trump can initiate his tribunals and Q can leak through infinchan and we autists can undertake to free the world from the grip of this almost cartoonishly wicked cabal. it will be our job to alert the normies to the dangers represented in their programming – how globalists attempt to corrupt and weaken to arrogate reciprocal power over us.

essentially, we will be tasked with redpilling the masses. shake them from their slumbers. break the conditioning.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.1062663   🗄️.is 🔗kun


he's responding to me; i am frankly suspicious of him.

if my suspicions are correct, he is the kind of shill that needs to be treated with extreme prejudice.

i will see what i can pry from him.

all of which is to say, he is intimidated by me – and he should be.

it strikes me as strange that he would indirectly respond to me while at the same time so extensively responding to my inquiry.

and i think i know the reason why.

Anonymous ID: bf1ed6 April 16, 2018, 2:19 a.m. No.1062752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2771


don't be decieved into thinking we are at war with Syria or Assad.

there is more to this than meets the eye.

what if i were to tell you that the mullahs in iran have always been a Clown op?

they were installed and are controlled by MI6/CIA – angloamerican oil corp.

we are not going to war with iran; nor are we going to allow iran to become a russian vassal; nor are we going to provoke russia.

7D chess…it's a real thing.

