Anonymous ID: 71e6f7 Sept. 12, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.10620973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10619081 (PB)

Spelling error with no correction (yet).

>>10619093 (PB)

> The public conversation should appropriately continue to address the killing of Mr. Floyd… systemic racism

"Mr." Floyd committed suicide when he overdosed on fentanyl. Let's continue to focus on due process and issues of guilt or innocence instead of something that simply doesn't exist in the US … "systemic racism". Does racism exist … yep. But there are no clean hands there and it probably will ALWAYS exist. However, in the mid-60s, the US passed the laws that have led to all races being treated more or less equally, with "affirmative action" preferences giving Blacks a distinct advantage over Whites, Asians and Hispanics. As the photo illustrates, failure of Blacks to achieve is now a purely personal failing and not the result of systemic racism.

>>10619366 (PB)

I had two sons. Had I caught anyone harming them …

And that's why I am disgusted by the parents who have allowed Joe Biden to paw and sniff their children. If just one or two of those parents had smacked the ever-living shit out of him early on, he'd have stopped. They were all too close to him for the Secret Service to have stopped them.