>>10623441 <<lb>>
Style points if he aired out his grape on the toilet.
Dunno, it's a whole thing. Best to just let it be.
It's bad, man. Smells bad, looks like cloud cover, ashes everywhere.
They exploded onto the scene, and then blew up.
Reminded me of Pete Townsend's wise words: "Rock and roll is the greatest vehicle for personal destruction on the planet" or words to that effect.
Great band.
Great energy.
That was my take a while ago. "You are the [subject of the] news now."
Nevada "Protest" Rally crowd is breddy big, and very enthusiastic.
Anon delivars!
It's the Feast of Trumpets.
It makes no sense in the Old Covenant; it's the first day of the 7th month, and they just blow a trumpet 100 times.
9 sets of 11, and then the longer louder Last Trump.
As all festivals are shadows of things to come in the New Covenant, the Last Trump is the sign of the Rapture of the Church; the disappearance of all of the believers at once, both dead and alive.
We are like Enoch, the 7th from Adam, who walked with God, and then was not, for God took him.
And we live in the times like the times of Noah, with Enoch as Believers, Noah's family as the Elect, and the vast majority of humanity just eating, drinking, getting married, and being given in marriage.
And not seeking God.
And then, the Flood wiped them off the face of the earth, and the world was reset, and started again.
There's another Flood coming, but it's not going to drown the world. It's going to burn the world.
85% of gay men have an older brother.
Most lesbians were molested as children by a close male family member/friend.
These are statistically significant factors.
You would fear demons, if the Holy Spirit of God was not restraining them from doing what they would do to you, were they unrestrained.
When the Restrainer is gone, and demons run unchecked, if you are still here on earth, you will fear demons.
The bible stands alone as the only holy text on the planet, the only book of prophecy on the planet, and the everlasting Word of God.
Completely alone.
Pope gets his marching orders from the devil, who also lives in the Vatican, and with whom he often holds meetings.