>The system that let you down by allowing me the freaking transsexual Satanist anarchist be your sheriff candidate is the same system I’m attacking.
Eh, he has a point.
>The system that let you down by allowing me the freaking transsexual Satanist anarchist be your sheriff candidate is the same system I’m attacking.
Eh, he has a point.
Military grade uppers. All the energy with none of the side effects, and you can take them in your 70s. Brought to you by the black projects that don't exist that were paid for by your tax dollars.
SD's in a weird position now. They clearly want to attract business interests and the newcomers that follow them, yet to do that they'll have to compromise with what those newcomers want. Such as having an economy that has something other than farming and not having absolute draconian weed laws that wouldn't be out of place in a Southeast Asian Muslim country. As a state that's hellbent on attracting costies, be careful South Dakota because it's very much a mixed bag.