Tanks Bakes
>Huge percentage chance of him necking himself even if he wins.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
> It's played at the end of MANY rallies.
Likely trolling the media to show where it came from.
Kneel bitch
>Looks like the guy who always rides his bicycle on the edge of the seat with a silly grin on his face
He sits without a seat.
No your head.
>Is it too late for suicide weekend?
Now that's a DEW I believe in.
That wins the Internet tonight.
You're cute when you're triggered.
>I thought we were gonna win.
>Instead we got a fake virus, riots, and fires.
Gov't youth indoctrination camps enrollment DOWN
Netflix exposes elite pedophillia
CA legalizes pedophillia
Q exposes Pantifa wildfires
If you don't see a massive pincer movement, note that the left ARE DOING THIS TO THEMSELVES!
It's beautiful