Anonymous ID: a21d4f Sept. 13, 2020, 2:05 a.m. No.10628544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8548 >>8626 >>8726 >>8826 >>8853

It is clear to me that Trump is holding all the cards. He's forced the cabals hand to play every card they have in ever increasing desperation, and they are running out of cards fast. They're having to lie and cheat in ever more blatant ways, each time exposing themselves even further, awakening America to their agenda, all the while he trolls them and eggs them on. Both sides know that their every escalation will only make it worse for them when it all finally comes to light. They're betting everything they have on this election, this has truly instilled the fear of life or death for these caged animals, and they are behaving accordingly.


All of the unrest in the streets over the last few months has been a training ground to prepare domestic law enforcement for dealing with this insurrection, because they're going to need that training for dealing with what comes next. Things are speeding up rapidly as we count down the final weeks and days to this reckoning. My hope is that with each arrest of these rioters, arsonists, and terrorists, more evidence is collected, more Federal warrants issued, and more Federal indictments are created and sealed. And when the dam finally breaks and the real arrests begin, it should become immediately obvious that the criminality extended all the way up the local District Attorneys, judges, and politicians along with all the people who blackmailed them into allowing this to happen.


If, as Bill Binney and Snowden have led us to believe, everything everyone ever does or says while attached to the grid, everywhere we go and every electronic transaction we engage in is truly being swept up, indexed, archived, and is readily searchable and retrievable at the finger tips of MI officers, then Trump and Q truly do have it all. It's been established that classification cannot be used to keep evidence of criminality hidden from exposure to avoid prosecution, so why is that? It would appear that everything is hanging by a thread on declassification orders and unsealing of warrants, indictments & arrest orders. These I believe are Trumps cards that have yet to be played, and it seems to me the only real decision left is when the storm happens, and that timing rests literally in the Presidents hands.


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


Mass arrests seemed unfathomable only a few years ago, yet now it seems practically inevitable. And when it happens, it will not only be the biggest event in our lifetimes, but 2020 will go down in history as the year that patriots, led by President Donald J. Trump, rose up and took back our country, and ultimately our entire world.


"What storm Mr President?"

"You'll find out"