Anonymous ID: b7fee4 April 16, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.1063609   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The "funding" for the Royal Family is set and controlled by Parliament. It is very easy to cut them off. It is also very easy to take over "Crown lands" and turn them over completely as a national asset.


I would love to see the corrupt House of Windsor implode before the Meghan Markle wedding.


And yes, unless the cabal, including the Rothschilds, have their assets seized for their crimes and corruption and treated just as any other criminal cartel in the courts system, we will not be free.


Think about what it would mean if the assets of Rothschilds and Windsors were seized under the civil forfeiture laws already on the books and which AG Sessions expanded, for the people of the US and UK.


What is a title without money? Think of the other "old" houses of Europe and Asia where there are self-appointed heirs running around claiming they have a title but have no money and no assets. It's pretty hard to maintain your own intelligence and security services if you don't have the money to pay them.