So the EPA has the full access across all departments, my sister worked for Obama at the end and they probably stashed everything in my name - or as "Alan" I already had tons of course in me - but at some point they may have stashed additional info or perhaps just the fact that in my case it's a show that involves data streaming across so many places and countries all the way into Epstiens freaking temple and back…. well I grasp why I can help…. but while my sister does go by Q…. and Q-Clearence-Patriot…. I find it hard to believe she's a good person now, that she would ever be "Q" - I would be far more inclined to think she's working against us now and did hide things in my own file cause of just how incomprehensible that I'd ever figure anything out is.
having said that… I'm lost still on what to do, but hey, here's another list that I don't think will help since I still haven't even finished reading how to do this - but it's what I'm thinking and this is obviously more important than anything I have ever done or will ever do in the future so I better not play around here and be honest even if it means exposing my incompetence. Cause I know this isn't the right way to even frame this information but as said - I'm going to say what I'm thinking as I learn
so something like…
A: EPA Last Year of Obama Admin my legal name or Alan
B: EPA Last Year of Clinton Admin for my legal name or Alan
C: EPA first Year of Bush Administration for my legal name or Alan
D: Brownfields in one of these years.
And I don't know how to FOIA yet so I'm just thinking of what I would ask if it were asking me to say where: EPA and What: everything on ME/Alan