Notes @ 477
>>10628944 Kayleigh Tw*t: Look at the patriots behind the press riser at Minden!
>>10628946 Anon nom: Skyfall missile reported by UK MSM. Prepare for 'SKY IS FALLING' week.
>>10628953 (9.11.20) Judge in Los Angeles Superior Court: rules against Grace Community Church - prohibits indoor worship services
>>10628956 Jim Jordan tw*t: PJT's foreign policy wins
>>10629014, >>10629028 Oregon Fires - stories and arrested accused arsonists
>>10629043 Another CA church prepares to battle for religious liberty: North Valley Baptist in Santa Clara "Needs to go to SC"
>>10629086 Scaramucci says ex-officials will come out against PDJT in mid-ctober
>>10629178 Q Hit piece on front page in Swedish MSM, connect QAnon to anti-semitism
>>10628928 Q 2171, 2 Year Delta: "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE?