>>10628932 lb
Not to take anything away from the youth. My message to them is you need a certain amount of life experience and education to make decisions about profound issues and nasty, corrupt people that are a lot older.
>>10628932 lb
Not to take anything away from the youth. My message to them is you need a certain amount of life experience and education to make decisions about profound issues and nasty, corrupt people that are a lot older.
>>10628965 year 8 cont.
You have to be able to function as a free thinker and not get caught up in ridiculous mobs of misinformation. Social media is no substitute for sponging up facts. Should be able to functionally coexist. There will always be different levels of intelligence. Following the wrong 'leaders' a lot of the time. If you have no sense of National pride you disrespect yourself and are probably lost and ungrateful. That's why they destroy stuff. The 'leaders' of the people that want to destroy stuff are Marxist greed mongers that get off on others' misery as part of their 'dreams'.
Fox comms?
I hope you got your fair share of photos and documentation. Original material will be gold.
Who's the criminal? They must be really bad and gonna get locked up. Pedo?
Bread Breakerupperer
Not if she's Q
Bread Breakerupperer
This is for the elites out there. Don't say I don't do anything for ya.