The number 17 is the sum of 7, denoting divine perfection and 10, denoting ordinal perfection. Therefore it symbolizes the perfection of spiritual order. As if to confirm this, 17 is a prime number and itโs the 7th prime number from the number 1. The sum of the digits from 1 to 17 inclusive equals 153.
The only time that statement can be true is if it references something in the express will of God; something God said He would do.
For instance, the Rapture, for one, would absolutely stop the Q movement in its tracks. So if you start hearing bizarre theories surrounding the sudden disappearance of a billion people worldwide on September 21, then yes, something did stop this movement.
The hand of God.
No need for tard jail. They're all under fire. Always. Doxxing our boy in NJ was a win for them. But sometimes their wins come back to bite them in the ass.
Last I checked, Jesus + Nothing = Everything still holds true.
My point was that the Rapture will devastate the USA in a similar way as a full nuclear war would devastate the USA.
China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, NATO, not so much. While China may experience the most people raptured, those people were not in charge of the country.
President Trump is our keystone; if he goes, the arch collapses.
I keep thinking the suicides are not voluntary.
It's amazing how much of all we do, and what all animals do, is for a hit of dopamine. A rush of endorphins. A sweet release to Morpheus/morphine, the god of dreams.
What comes around, goes around.
Their One Child policy tipped their population to killing their newborn daughters, leaving many men without mates, and many of those men became gay.
But we're talking a nation of over a billion people; well over a billion people.
150 million could be gay, and 150 million could be saved, at the same time, fairly easily.
They'd rather strengthen them and steer them to cause more damage.
Create a low, draw the hurricane towards that low, rinse and repeat.
That is why we used to have public executions.
To demonstrate to We the People that Justice was served.
Not, for example, throwing a body said to be bin Laden into the sea without any verification whatsoever.
It was straining at the leash last night in Nevada.
If the DOJ fails us, it will be unleashed in October.
Clearest are 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15.
Example is Enoch, 7th from Adam, who walked with God, and then was not, for God took him.
Other examples of harpadzo, the greek for "rapture" as the NT was mostly written in greek, is Philip being whisked away from the Eunuch, Paul being translated into the third heaven, and John being told "Get up here" and also being in the third heaven.
It's Jesus' promise at the Ascension to go and prepare a place for us, and then come back to get us, those of us who are not slated for wrath, and whose righteousness has been imputed to us by God Himself, not relying on our own.
The picture is the Flood; the Days of Noah, that Jesus said the End Times (now) are like.
Enoch: taken
Noah's family: protected during the flood
Everyone else: Eating, drinking, carrying on, marrying, being given in marriage, and not seeking God, at all.
1 Thessalonians 4
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:
1 Corinthians 15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
The Last Trump would be known to the audience to be the 100th blast of the trumpet on the Feast of Trumpets, a festival meaningless in the Old Covenant, but full of promise and comfort in the New Covenant.
This year, it's a week away. It's the 1st day of the 7th month on the Jewish calendar, and it only begins when 2 witnesses report to the Sanhedrin that they saw the New Moon, and when, and where. Then the feast starts.
So it's a day, and a festival, where no man knows the day nor the hour beforehand, but they do know the season.
This will end in tears.
Thank you.
End times for this age.
The end of the earth never appears in the bible.
So the "end times" to a Christian is the duration of the Church Age, the age of believers in the New Covenant, that began on Pentecost 32 and continues through today, at least, and ends at the Rapture.
At that time, the New Covenant ends, and a new deal is offered, much like the Old Covenant which is being wrapped up in that week, in that heptad/7 year period, the 70th week of Daniel
Believe, and prove it by continuous works, and maintain your own faith unto death, and receive, if you succeed, a lesser reward than the rewards offered by the New Covenant.
And yes, the bible describes the end of the physical cosmos as it is, being burned up by a fervent heat, and a new heaven, and a new earth, instantly springing forth as it was in the beginning prior to the Fall of Man.
2 Peter 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
The New Covenant is everlasting because the partakers in the New Covenant are everlasting.
The Old Covenant is everlasting because the partakers in the Old Covenant are everlasting.
Nevertheless, both Covenants end.
The New with the Rapture, and the Old with the end of the promised Millennial Kingdom.
And then the Judgment.
You cannot have a new heaven and a new earth without the old heaven and the old earth doing what the bible says they do.
Stick to the bible.
You'll be right.
Then again, I do recall them testing the drinking water in England and having detectable amounts of Prozac in it.
That would certainly mollify a population.
And this fluoride in our drinking waterโฆ there any evidence yet that it benefits our teeth?
You can believe that, if you want.
Or you can read different bibles, and find exactly the same things.
The more you agree with God's Word, the more right you will become.
And you seem to want to be right above all things.
And if it's in earlier bibles than Scofield, does that completely demolish your theory?
Your bias against a bible and a reference book you are not familiar with in the slightest?
Alternatively, of course, you can offer something from the Scofield bible that appears in no other bible.
Your focus is on discrediting God's Word by slandering the Scofield bible.
Whom do you think you are fooling?
All men lie.
Jews are men.
Therefore, Jews lie.
True, logically, but not useful, as God had a hand in the Bible, inspired the 40 men who wrote the 66 books of the bible over 1500 years, and does not lie.
Whereas the world, and the devil who runs it, cannot do anything but lie.
Movie Wizards. Ralph Bakshi. Excellent story.
It's best to take the literal first, and then if the literal does not make plain sense, to look for another. If the bible uses symbols, it explains them. If metaphors, they are also true. If parables, they are explained to those with ears to hear, but are concealed from the lost.
The plain literal meaning that was meant for the audience it was written to and what it meant to them in context is the goal. Everything was written for us; not everything was written to us.
What power does it have over Sleeper Wray to think his true nature is hidden from the Administration?