Anonymous ID: eb5811 Sept. 13, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.10630050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086 >>0198 >>0235 >>0290 >>0322 >>0453


Whoa.Whoa. Whoa. BROCK PIERCE wasn't this guy involved in some sex trafficking bullshit?


They are trying to SCRUB HIM HARD ON GOOGLE right now.


The balls on these sickos.


The Strange Saga of Jeffrey Epstein’s Link to a Child Star Turned Cryptocurrency Mogul


How Brock Pierce ended up as an Epstein guest along with a NASA computer engineer, an MIT professor and a Nobel laureate in theoretical physics is a bizarre tale involving Steve Bannon and an international man of mystery who may or may not be dead.


Even before Jeffrey Epstein’s mysterious death Aug. 10, many people who knew him were hoping the world would forget or, better yet, never learn that they had any association at all with the notorious predator.


One such person may be serially self-reinventing entrepreneur Brock Pierce, who as a teenager co-founded the eventually infamous Digital Entertainment Network and who, in the mid- to late ‘90s, was associated with an alleged sex-abuse ring — this one involving young men. Several later contended in court filings that Pierce and two associates had drugged and assaulted them at parties in their Encino mansion. Pierce was never charged with any crime and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. He settled with one plaintiff, and two others dismissed their cases against him.


Nothing suggests that anything of a sexual nature or anything untoward at all occurred at Mindshift. Pierce is only one of dozens of figures in Epstein’s dizzyingly vast network, and the link between the two may be nothing but a curiosity. But it is a strange tale: how a former child actor who never went to college ended up as an Epstein guest — a seemingly unlikely addition to a group that included a NASA computer engineer, an MIT professor of electrical engineering and a Nobel laureate in theoretical physics. “I don’t know what he had to do with science [or] why he was there,” says one person who attended.


Cryptocurrency was very much in its nascent stages when Epstein invited Pierce to Mindshift. His bio on a list of attendees reads "entrepreneur, creator of virtual currencies and goods." His rep says he accepted the invitation for “the opportunity to interact with major scientific thinkers” and participated in a panel discussion on cryptocurrency with prominent scientists (none of whom appeared to have any expertise in the area, based on their bios from the same document).


It's unclear what, if anything, Epstein expected to get from Pierce, who was unlikely to add to the prestige of the conference. Epstein’s activities in the area of cryptocurrency remain mysterious. In 2017, he gave an interview to website The Next Web in which he expressed a vague interest in the area, and The Wall Street Journal has reported that Epstein claimed that he worked for the U.S. Treasury Department on cryptocurrency.


Another strand may connect Epstein to cryptocurrency and indirectly to Pierce: In 2015, Joi Ito — then director of the MIT Media Lab — announced a Digital Currency Initiative. This came during a financially challenging time for the Bitcoin Foundation — the industry's first trade group, founded in September 2012 — and Ito hired cryptocurrency developers previously supported by the foundation. Just days after Ito’s announcement, Pierce was named the foundation’s chairman. (Ito recently resigned from MIT Media Lab following reports that he had accepted major donations from Epstein and attempted to conceal the relationship.)


Pierce was also in business starting in the mid-2000s with former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon, who had his own ties to Epstein. Bannon did not respond to requests for comment but he apparently remains a fan of Pierce, who has popped up lately as an unlikely presence in Trump world.