Anonymous ID: f2f85e Sept. 13, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.10629871   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nearly half of 2019 donations to ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s biggest fundraising platform, were made by people who listed themselves as unemployed, raising red flags about whether the online processor is being used for foreign or otherwise illegal contributions.


An analysis of Federal Election Commission data by the conservative Take Back Action Fund found that 2.8 million ActBlue transactions in 2019, or 47.4%, were made by donors who identified themselves as unemployed or listed no employer.


That figure has risen to 50.1% in the first eight months of 2020, said Take Back president John Pudner, who has for years sounded the alarm about the potential for foreign influence on ActBlue over what he described as its lax online credit-card security measures.


“Our biggest concern is foreign money. Do you really believe that half of the people who are giving money through ActBlue don’t have a job?” Mr. Pudner told the Washington Times. “To me, that just seems absurd.”


His concern is that illegal contributions could be made using prepaid gift cards and pairing them with either fake names and addresses or the stolen identities of real voters. The FEC provides an additional layer of security by requiring donors to list their employers, but there is no such check on those who identify themselves as unemployed.

Anonymous ID: f2f85e Sept. 13, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.10630051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0223

Is that a threat ?


A loss by Joe Biden under these circumstances is the worst case not because Trump will destroy America (he can’t), but because it is the outcome most likely to undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles that cities including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle have seen in recent months. For this reason, strictly law-and-order Republicans who have responded in dismay to scenes of rioting and looting have an interest in Biden winning—even if they could never bring themselves to vote for him.

Anonymous ID: f2f85e Sept. 13, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.10630082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Two Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputies were sitting in their patrol car in Compton on Saturday night when they were ambushed and shot at pointblank range. Surveillance video shows the two officers did nothing to deserve the ambush and it came on without warning or provocation.


When the two deputies – a 31-year-old mother of a 6 six-year-old and a 24-year-old male – were rushed to the hospital, rioters showed up outside of the emergency room. Rioters shouted, "We hope they die!"


The LA County Sheriffs Department had to take to Twitter to remind people not to block the emergency room entries and exits because it prohibits citizens from receiving medical treatment, especially if they're being transported by ambulance.