just wrote more xl code to powershell admin,
my brethern & sisters, th righteous,
oh yea language but if they gon tap you, what you won't lose your mind,
yep, I'm baked,
do th Roths own safeway & safeway cuza stupid corruption &
mismanagement is gone get dusted,
yo Montenegro, how are th nuts on your
oak, you got leaves or is it just sticks, a bird makes
a nest in a tree w leaves huh bro, - sic James Bond,
monte - mountain
negro - black
very ancient words,
colors in those nations don't even care,
Europe are ancient languages & are not
bastardized like NAmerican banglish,
only real Gz read th shit on my ass,
a big part of why I like thick massive women
(in proportion huh) is for breeding monsters,
th dna & gene, natural survival, animal instincts
to have powerful offspring to survive my line,
proper breeding for strong offspring though I
want no kids but still my heart is there,
my real Gz will read my mail huh, real men,
I was once lost in th Philippians for 2
weeks I never thought I'd get out,
oh yea my wife carries a big gun,
didn't appreciate you hating me but it taught me
why they say that in the bible that Philippians
is for th strongest Christians, reverse psychology,
th philipians were th very weakest if you can't
divide juxtapose etc,
very humorous guy, weilds th venom on his tongue w
amazing humorous gentleness, real scary G though
fo real,
burn ditto,
hang on bro, I know life is ish but
you'll be fine, I balled your tits huh,
th reason you got such a beautiful wife
that your mom had prayed for,
tears right now for you dude,
you hated what I did for you, but you got stronger &
stronger & now you don't care,
wa ev dude, meet at th truck stop rob a reef & buck off to th next stop
tryna forget th past,