Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.10631295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1309 >>1396 >>1419 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982 >>1996

Oprah Winfrey’s Book of the Month Compares the US to India’s Caste System and Nazi Germany


The new TOP entry on the Oprah Book Club is a screed that compares the United States to the heirarchical system in India and Nazi Germany.


Oprah Winfrey, a billionaire, is pushing this filth on the country she hates.


“Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” examines race in the United States as a social hierarchy, with African Americans confined to the bottom. The book defines racism in the country as an American caste system, comparing it to social hierarchical systems in India and Nazi Germany.


Oprah Winfrey has announced that “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” by Isabel Wilkerson is not only her latest pick for Oprah’s Book Club, but that it “might be the most important book” she has ever chosen.


“All of humanity needs to read this book,” she told “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King.


Oprah believes this is an important book on how blacks are “confined to the bottom.”

The irony is rich.


At least we ALL know how she really feels about her country today.


Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.10631307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1532 >>1565 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Trump wants ‘DEATH PENALTY’ for attacker who shot LA cops, as protesters chant ‘WE HOPE THEY DIE’


Protesters have picketed the hospital where two LA deputies are in critical condition after being shot, chanting “we hope they die.” If they do, President Trump has called for a “fast trial” and“death penalty” for the gunman.


Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies were shot in their car near a metro station in the city of Compton on Saturday. Video footage shared by the sheriff’s department shows the shooter approaching the vehicle and opening fire “without warning or provocation.”


The two deputies were taken to hospital in critical condition, and underwent surgery late on Saturday night. As they fought for their lives, a crowd of protesters descended on the hospital’s emergency room, with some outside chanting“we hope they die.” According to a tweet from the sheriff’s department, the protesters blocked entries and exits to the hospital, and were eventually dispersed, with two arrested after a scuffle with officers.


President Donald Trump was livid. “If they die, fast trial [and] death penalty for the killer,” he tweeted on Sunday. “Only way to stop this.”


If the deputies did die and the killer was caught and tried, California law would allow for the death penalty. However, nobody has been executed in California since 2006, and Governor Gavin Newsom issued a moratorium on executions last year. Capital punishment can be ordered by the federal justice system, but in practice, most death sentences are handed down by state courts.


Trump often takes to Twitter to demand the executions of particularly heinous criminals. Last month he urged federal prosecutors to “again seek the death penalty” for Boston marathon bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev, after his death sentence was vacated in May. Before becoming president, Trump called for the execution of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists, cop killers, mass shooters and pedophiles.


“Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts,” he tweeted in 2012. “Too many incidents – fast trial, death penalty.”


In another pro-execution tweet, Trump once mused that a killer who beheaded a woman in Oklahoma should suffer “the same fate – beheading?”

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.10631326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1341 >>1419 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Chinese Military Calls US "Destroyer Of World Peace", Citing Millions Dead & Displaced In Iraq, Syria, Libya


Following the US and China imposing tit-for-tat restrictions on each other's diplomats and embassy staff, China's defense ministry on Sunday blasted the US as the “destroyer of world peace”.


The statements are specifically in response to the Department of Defense releasing a report earlier this month which predicted that “Over the next decade, China’s nuclear warhead stockpile — currently estimated to be in the low 200s — is projected to at least double in size as China expands and modernizes its nuclear forces.”


Chinese defense ministry spokesman Col. Wu Qian responded, “Many years of evidence shows that it is the U.S. that is the fomenter of regional unrest, the violator of the international order and the destroyer of world peace.”


He listed US regime change and destabilizing actions in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries, according to the AP:


U.S. actions in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries over the past two decades have resulted in the deaths of more than 800,000 people and displacement of millions, Qian said.


“Rather than reflecting on itself, the U.S. issued a so-called report that made false comments about China’s normal defense and military construction,” he said in the statement. “We call on the U.S. to view China’s national defense and military construction objectively and rationally, cease making false statements and related reports, and take concrete actions to safeguard the healthy development of bilateral military relations.”


“Rather than reflecting on itself, the U.S. issued a so-called report that made false comments about China’s normal defense and military construction,” he added.


“We call on the U.S. to view China’s national defense and military construction objectively and rationally, cease making false statements and related reports, and take concrete actions to safeguard the healthy development of bilateral military relations.”


This also follows days ago the Chinese government’s senior diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi charging that Washington is "the biggest driver of militarization" in the region, particularly the South China Sea.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.10631347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1480 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Analysis of FOX News Poll: When Adjusted for Party Affiliation and Reality – Trump is Destroying Hiden’ Biden


FOX News came out with its poll results again this Sunday. This poll consistently is skewed towards the Democrats. Today we explain why this is and offer estimates when eliminating this polling bias. (Hint – Trump is way ahead!)


FOX News came out this morning with the results of its poll where they again show former Obama Vice President Biden ahead of President Trump in the polls – 51%-46%. This is in spite of no excitement for candidate Biden who is taking questions using a teleprompter and can’t seem to get out of his basement.


Anyone can see that Joe Biden is but a shell of a person that he once was. Biden now is sadly suffering from senility and possible Alzheimer’s disease. He is holding tiny events with no enthusiasm at all. So the results of the FOX poll are puzzling at best and have been for some time.


The good news for Trump supporters coming from the apparent biased poll is that over 50% of those polled believe President Trump will win the election.


Overall though the poll results clearly are tainted. So we decided to look into the data, or at least what we could find.


One item that jumps out immediately is the sample sizes used in the poll. According to the poll data the FOX poll used 49% Democrats and 46% Republicans and 5% Independent in their poll:


It appears that FOX eliminates the significant Independent vote in its polling. Why would FOX hide this significant number in its results?


Another puzzling result from the FOX News poll is their results showing only 5% of the Black vote supporting President Trump. Rasmussen with a much better track record shows President Trump currently bringing in 30% of the Black vote and 44% of the other non-white vote. If these ratios were the same, President Trump would be ahead in the FOX News poll:

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.10631354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

WATCH Colombians scuffle with riot squads in Bogota as outcry over police brutality intensifies

Fuelled by the death of an unarmed local man at the hands of police, protests against law enforcement brutality continued for the fourth night in Bogota, and descended into turbulent clashes with heavily armed riot squads.


Hundreds of people flooded the streets of the Colombian capital to confront officers – who were equipped with riot shields and heavy-duty gear – early on Sunday. Some protesters chanted slogans and sprayed paint on the police shields, while others were filmed kicking officers away.


Police remained calm but launched a counteroffensive when the scuffle got more turbulent. Riot squads moved in to separate the crowds and made occasional arrests.


The brewing unrest was sparked after Javier Ordonez, a 46-year-old taxi driver and law student, was detained by Bogota police for an alleged violation of the lockdown rules, still in place to contain the Covid-19 virus. According to police, Ordonez defied the restrictions by drinking alcohol in the open with his friends.


Officers tackled him down to the ground and repeatedly tasered him as he begged, "please, no more." Graphic footage of his arrest, filmed by a bystander, quickly went viral among Spanish-speaking social media users after Ordonez died in a hospital on Tuesday. Two officers were charged by authorities, and five others were suspended.


Warning! The video contains scenes that you may find disturbing.


The police it's abusing of it power and it's killing all people, there has been around 50 massacres this year with more than 200 victims, on Mondays night a man called Javier Ordóñez was killed by the police, he was a lawyer and had a family. They gave him 10+ electric shocks.

— COLOMBIAN LIVES MATTER 🇨🇴 (@lonelyssussy) September 10, 2020


Most of the unrest initially took place in Bogota, but later spilled over into the cities of Medellin, Cali and Manizales on Thursday. At least 13 people have died in cities across Colombia, and over 200 civilians and more than 190 police officers have been injured. Colombia began to relax some of its lockdown restrictions in Bogota and Medellin at the end of August, with businesses and public transport allowed to operate in a socially-distanced manner.


The Latin American country currently ranks sixth in the list of nations worst hit by the pandemic. Its Covid-19 tally stands at over 709,000 and the death toll is over 22,700.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.10631371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1485 >>1499 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Facebook says it’ll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires ‘were started by certain groups’


Facebook has announced that it will be wiping messages alleging that wildfires, which have been sweeping through Oregon, might be the work of certain groups after the FBI brushed off reports of arson as “conspiracy theories.”


“We are removing false claims that the wildfires in Oregon were started by certain groups,” Andy Stone, policy communications manager at Facebook, tweeted late on Saturday.


Defending what is effectively an act of censorship by the social media giant, Stone noted that speculation suggesting the blazes have been ignited by extremists are forcing law enforcement to “divert resources from fighting the fires and protecting the public.”


This is consistent with our past efforts to remove content that could lead to imminent harm given the possible risk to human life as the fires rage on


The move comes as multiple wildfires are tearing through Oregon, closing in on Portland, the center of the Black Lives Matter protests, which have been marred by vandalism and arson.


This is consistent with our past efforts to remove content that could lead to imminent harm given the possible risk to human life as the fires rage on. (2/2)

— Andy Stone (@andymstone) September 12, 2020


The wildfires sparked mass evacuation in the state, forcing more than 40,000 people to flee their homes due to the blaze. As of Saturday, at least 10 people lost their lives in the catastrophe, and dozens are missing.


The fire has already left a trail of destruction, having burned over one million acres across the state, twice as much as the yearly average, the Oregonian reported.


As the fires are being referred to as “historic” in terms of the number of conflagrations and the estimated damage, speculation arose that foul play might be involved, with rumors circulating online that Antifa or BLM activists could be behind the infernos.


On Friday, the FBI sought to shut down those rumors, saying that they had “investigated several such reports” and determined them “to be untrue.” In its message, the FBI urged the public to “help us stop the spread of misinformation.”

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.10631399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586

The Great Novichok Poisoning Hoax 2.0


What’s going on regarding Alexey Navalny repeats the great 2018 poisoning by novichok of the Skripals in Britain hoax.


Whatever caused their illness, from which they recovered, had nothing to do with exposure to a deadly nerve agent, Russia falsely blamed for what it had nothing to do with.


What’s essential to explain, establishment media suppress time and again.


Whenever something like a Navalny incident occurs, they’re quick to blame Russia or other nations targeted by the US for regime change.


Whatever happened to Alexey Navalny wasn’t from exposure to a novichok nerve agent able to kill in minutes.


He’s very much alive and able to communicate three weeks after falling ill aboard a flight from Tomsk, Russia to Moscow.


Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia explained what’s obvious, saying:


“This whole incident cannot but raise questions about some foul play being staged.”


Key is who benefits and who’s harmed. Russia clearly gained nothing from the Navalny incident.


Potentially it has much to lose. Nothing remotely connects the Kremlin to what happened to him.


On Friday, German BND Federal Intelligence Service head Bruno Kahl said a “secret meeting” was held on what he called a “harder” form of novichok the country’s military lab claims poisoned Navalny with no further elaboration, Der Spiegel reported, adding:


A delegation from the (pro-Western imperial tool) OPCW visited Navalny in Berlin’s Charite Hospital where he’s being treated.


In response to Reuters’ request for more information, a BND statement said the following:


“The Federal Intelligence Service will comment on any findings exclusively to the federal government and the responsible committees of the German Bundestag that meet in secret.”


In its latest edition, Der Spiegel reported the following:


“Leading politicians in Germany from all mainstream parties are demanding that construction on the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 be suspended as a result of the poisoning of Alexey Navalny.”


“Merkel’s government is so far resisting such calls,” adding:


It’s “clear that Germany’s relationship with Russia will change significantly.”


It’s “likely that the Kremlin was behind the poisoning (sic). And Russian President Vladimir Putin (sic).”


“(A) debate has erupted over which sanctions the German government should now consider applying.”


“The only penalty that would primarily hurt Moscow would be a construction stop on the almost completed Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.”

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.10631428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1456 >>1554 >>1651 >>1795 >>1838 >>1861 >>1943 >>1982

'Y'all gonna die one by one': BLM activists storm hospital where ambushed officers taken, block exits


'I hope they f***ing die!'


After two Los Angeles Sheriff's deputies sustained multiple gunshot wounds upon being ambushed while sitting in their patrol vehicle on Saturday, alleged Black Lives Matters protesters stormed the hospital where the officers were transported to for emergency surgery.


According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office, protesters attempted to block the entrance and exit of the hospital. Protesters also shouted that they hoped the injured officers died.


"To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling 'We hope they die' referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through," the agency said.


Video taken from outside the hospital showed one protester tell law enforcement officers standing guard outside the hospital, "I hope they f***ing die," referring to the injured officers.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.10631464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1486 >>1496 >>1508 >>1518 >>1528 >>1543 >>1593 >>1651 >>1838 >>1893 >>1917 >>1943 >>1982 >>1999

Mike Bloomberg Pledges $100 Million to Flip Florida for Joe Biden


Billionaire and failed Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg pledged to spend at least $100 million to flip Florida in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden, according to a report released on Sunday.


The Washington Post reported Bloomberg hopes, according to his adviser Howard Wolfson, to encourage early voting to “give lie to what we expect to be Trump’s election night messaging that Democrats are stealing the election, because unlike other battleground states, Florida counts its absentee ballots on or by Election Day.”


Capturing Florida during the 2020 presidential election would give Biden a sizeable boost over President Donald Trump.


The Cook Political Report changed the prediction for Florida towards Trump, as the Report altered the state’s rating from “leans Democratic” to “toss up.” Many recent polls in Florida have shown the race for the state tightening between Biden and Trump.


Bloomberg’s $100 million commitment to help Biden take Florida arises as Hawkfish, an analytic firm funded by Bloomberg, claimed that Trump would likely appear to win the 2020 presidential election on Election Day, but may lose once mail-in and absentee ballots are counted.


Hawkfish describes this scenario as a “red mirage.”


Bloomberg also pledged $60 million to help House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) keep the House majority.


Bloomberg spent at least $600 million on his failed presidential campaign that lasted only 101 days.


Kevin Sheekey told the Washington Post Bloomberg’s investment in Florida would allow Democrats to focus on other swing states.


“Voting starts on Sept. 24 in Florida so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need,” Sheekey said.


“Mike believes that by investing in Florida it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.10631519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1589 >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

French Police Catch Pregnant 13-Year-Old Migrant Pickpocket


French police in the city of Montpellier arrested a 13-year-old Bosnian migrant girl for pickpocketing and found that the young girl was also eight and a half months pregnant.


The young girl was arrested after being caught attempting to steal the contents of a bag belonging to a local 38-year-old woman at the Gare Saint-Roch tram station after an accomplice of the girl had tried to distract the woman.


Police arrested the heavily pregnant young girl, who had already been arrested just weeks prior, and took her to a local hospital emergency room. The hospital, however, claimed that the young girl escaped from custody and she has been on the run since Tuesday.


Underage Migrants Cost France Two Billion Euros Per Year


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 8, 2019


The incident comes as crimes committed by unaccompanied minor migrants have surged across parts of France in the last several years.


Earlier this year in Bordeaux, four underage migrants were arrested during the Chinese coronavirus lockdown after they had robbed or attempted to rob 28 pharmacies in the city and the area around it.


Last year, three underage Algerian migrants were arrested in Spain after they fled France following the alleged murder of a man which the trio are said to have live-streamed on social media.


28-year-old Ahmed Kourak was brutally killed in the city of Lyon after being bound and tortured, suffering at least 60 stab wounds before dying.


The three migrants suspected of the murder were caught in Valencia by Spanish police after they had been stopped on the local metro for not having tickets.


Underage Migrants Arrested After 28 Pharmacies Robbed in French City


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 15, 2020


Figures released by the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) in 2019 suggested that minor migrants cost French taxpayers as much as two billion euros per year.


A more recent report from the NGO Save the Children stated that since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, European Union member states have taken in at least 210,000 underage migrants.


Report: At Least 25 Per Cent of 'Child Migrants' in Kent Are Actually Adults

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.10631535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Former Louisiana Narcotics Cop Arrested in Drug Sting in Texas near Border


A former Louisiana narcotics detective faces federal drug trafficking charges following a sting operation where authorities found eight kilos of cocaine. The former investigator previously served one year and nine months in prison on separate drug charges while being assigned to a federal task force with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.


Agents with U.S. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) arrested 31-year-old Johnny Jacob Domingue last week at the parking lot of a sporting goods store in Edinburg, Texas, as he was picking up eight kilograms of cocaine, court documents revealed. After the arrest, federal agents took Domingue before U.S. Magistrate Judge Juan Alaniz who charged him with one count of possession with intent to distribute more than 5 kilograms of cocaine. Alaniz ordered that Domingue be held without bond for the time being.


A criminal complaint filed by HSI revealed that Domingue served time in prison in Houston following a conviction on a series of drug charges from 2016. The charges stemmed from a time when he worked as a sheriff’s deputy in Louisiana and had been assigned to a task force with the DEA. Court records from the time revealed that Domingue stole drugs and cash from investigations and doctored police documents to cover up his actions. For those crimes, a judge sentenced Domingue to 21 months in prison. Domingue also faced various state charges in connection with the case.


Prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas claim in court documents that during his time in prison, Domingue met a convicted drug trafficker who has since turned government informant. After being released from prison, Domingue contacted the drug trafficker and asked him to help him obtain cocaine that he would move from South Texas to Louisiana. The drug trafficker reported the contact to agents with Homeland Security Investigations who then prepared a sting operation.


Over several days of negotiations through phone calls recorded by agents, the government informant negotiated with Domingue over the price and details of the cocaine purchase, the agents claim in their criminal complaint. On September 9, Domingue drove to the parking lot of Academy Sporting Goods store in Edinburg where the agents left a vehicle with the hidden drug load. When Domingue got inside the vehicle, the agents used a remote “kill-switch” to turn the car off and arrested him.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.10631545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1599 >>1602 >>1651 >>1705 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982 >>2004 >>2006

Canada’s Trudeau Creates Race-Based $221m Fund for Black People Only


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has announced the federal government will be investing $221 million of taxpayer cash in a group to give loans to black entrepreneurs to start businesses.


Mr Trudeau made the announcement this week in Toronto at the HXOUSE organisation, a group that describes itself as a “Toronto-based, globally focused think-centre. Serving its community as an incubator and accelerator, it helps to foster innovation and opportunity for creative entrepreneurs.”


Of the $221 million, $93 million will be used over the course of the next four years to launch a new federal government programme, the Black Communities Entrepreneurship Program of Canada, newspaper La Presse reports.


Another $53 million will likely be set aside for a new fund to make money available int he form of loans only to businesses run by black entrepreneurs.


What a time to be alive.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) September 19, 2019


Trudeau claimed the move was to combat “systemic racism” in Canada, saying: “We’re going to have more to say about our justice system and the reforms that need to be done. We’re going to have more to say about the need to work with our police forces to combat systemic racism.”


“The pandemic has highlighted the inequities that disproportionately affect black communities in Canada and the need to revitalize our economy to give all Canadians an equal chance to succeed,” Trudeau claimed.


The move comes after Trudeau pledged his support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in June and took a knee during an event in Ottawa after the death of Minnesota man George Floyd.


Despite the show of solidarity with the group, however, many in the crowd openly mocked the Canadian leader.


Blackface Enthusiast Justin Trudeau gets heckled!


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) June 6, 2020


Last year, Trudeau was embroiled in a scandal revolving around the many times he wore blackface prior to becoming the head of the Canadian Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada.


As numerous incidents of Trudeau donning offensive attire emerged, he was asked by one reporter if he knew how many times he had engaged in such activity in the past. Mr Trudeau was unable to give a clear answer.


WATCH: Statue of Canada’s First Prime Minister Ripped Down, Decapitated by ‘Abolish the Police’ BLM Supporters


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 30, 2020

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.10631608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1651 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Bosnian Regional PM Calls on Italy to Help Stop Migrant Surge


Mustafa Ružnić, Prime Minister of the canton of Una Sana in Bosnia-Herzegovina, has called on Italy to help stop the flow of migrants in the Balkans as tens of thousands continue to pass through.


Una Sana, located in the north-west of the non-EU country, is one of the areas most affected by mass migration as it lies on the border to Croatia, which as an EU member-state marks one of the bloc’s common external borders.


According to Prime Minister Ružnić, at least a hundred thousand migrants have passed through his region in the last two years alone.


In an interview with Italian newspaper Il Giornale, he warned that the “over 100,000 migrants are largely illegal and if we look at their journey to [the EU], 85 per cent have gone to Italy and only 15 per cent to Austria, Germany, and other EU countries.”


He added that the only way to stop the influx was to close the Bosnian eastern border with Serbia — another non-EU country — saying: “We can do this in two ways: the first is to mobilise the resources available to our police agencies by sending 2,000 agents to the border to seal it and block arrivals. The second is to employ the army, but it could create problems with Belgrade,” referring to the seat of the Serbian government.


Tensions in Bosnia are high as many locals are angered over the presence of the migrants. Ružnić said the tensions are due to a huge surge in crime.


“Due to the constant and increased influence of migrants, criminal activity has increased with over 4,000 crimes in the last three years including theft, private house fires, and even more serious crimes. That’s why citizens are reacting through street protests,” he said.


Of the 100,000 migrants that have passed through his area, Ružnić suspected that just ten per cent were legitimate refugees and that thirty per cent may have criminal or even terrorist backgrounds.


The call for help comes just months after Bosnian security minister Fahrudin Radoncic warned prior to the Chinese coronavirus outbreak that as many as 100,000 migrants could head into Western Europe from the Balkan region.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.10631617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627

Harvard Prof Says States Might Use Stand Your Ground Laws To ‘Outsource Its Violence’ To ‘Disproportionately’ White Male Citizens


A Harvard University professor claimed that states use “Stand Your Ground” as a way in which the state might “outsource its violence to individual citizens,” adding that they are “disproportionately white or white-passing, disproportionately male-identified, and usually a person with some kind of property,” and that the United States has been based on “different mythologies of neutrality.”


As Campus Reform reports, speaking at a virtual event titled, “Race, Guns, and the Politics of Self-Defense,” Caroline Light, the senior lecturer on women, gender, and sexuality at Harvard University, stated of “Stand Your Ground laws,” “In many ways, I see those laws, which have spread now to 33 states in some kind of version, as a way in which the state might outsource its violence to individual citizens who are marked as ‘law-abiding citizens.’”


“Now, in spite of that facially neutral invocation of the armed citizen or the law-abiding citizen, ultimately the way our law works is anything but legal or anything but neutral and objective,” Light, the author of “Stand Your Ground: A History of America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense,” continued, as she invoked the claim that police disproportionately target people of color: “By definition, the legal system is based on essential injustices that originate with the very beginning of this nation in settler colonialist violence, in racial capitalism through chattel slavery, gender violence. So these essential exclusionary principles are baked into the legal system and the kind of justice topographies that we deal with. And we look at them today and wonder, why, why is it that police disproportionately shoot and kill people of color and indigenous people at such an alarmingly high rate, even when those people are unarmed and don’t pose an actual threat.”


Light opined that the “state violence becomes outsourced’ to people who are primarily white, male, and owners of property, saying, “What we come to find when we really look carefully is that this state violence becomes outsourced into the hands of a select set of ‘law-abiding citizen’ who is disproportionately white or white-passing, disproportionately male-identified, and usually a person with some kind of property. Guns constitute a particular powerful form of property in our nation right now. Not everyone gets to exercise their so-called Second Amendment rights equally.”

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.10631635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686 >>1838 >>1907 >>1943 >>1961 >>1982

LA Sheriffs: NPR Reporter Arrested For ‘Interfering’ With Cops As They Tried To Control BLM Protests Outside Hospital


A Los Angeles National Public Radio reporter was arrested early Sunday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs said, after she “interfered” with police trying to prevent alleged Black Lives Matter protesters from storming the hospital where two severely wounded LA County Sheriffs deputies were taken following a horrific ambush attack.


Saturday night, two sheriffs deputies, a 31-year-old female and a 24-year-old male, were shot in what law enforcement officials are calling an “ambush attack,” according to earlier reports from the Daily Wire. The pair were sitting in their parked vehicle outside of a train station when they were approached by a suspect who opened fire without apparent cause, leaving the two deputies severely wounded.


The two deputies were taken by ambulance to a local hospital. As the vehicle neared the emergency entrance, however, alleged Black Lives Matter protesters moved to block the deputies from receiving treatment. “Witnesses later said that the far-left activists, who shouted outside that they hoped the deputies died, attempted to storm the emergency room where the deputies were taken,” the Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra reported Sunday.


A number of protesters were arrested in the altercation.


Los Angeles crime reporter Scott Schwebke first noted, early Sunday, that LA’s ABC affiliate had captured the arrest of a reporter, later identified as KPCC’s Josie Huang, on video. The footage shows deputies taking Huang to the ground and handcuffing her before taking her away in a police vehicle.


KPCC’s executive editor, Megan Garvey, confirmed Huang’s identity and noted that she, Garvey, was headed to LA Sheriffs Department headquarters to argue for Huang’s release.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.10631662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1702 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

NY Assembly Bill Gives MOB BOSS Gov. Cuomo Power to Jail or Expel New Yorkers Diagnosed with COVID-19 — WITHOUT A TRIAL, DUE PROCESS


SHOCK ALERT: New York Assembly Bill A99 calls for the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health, including incarceration, forced institutionalization or expulsion from the state.


All done without any trial or due process.


And all done at the discretion of Gov. Andrew Cuomo. And for as long as Cuomo wants to keep people locked up, or locked out. Frightening.


The shocking bill, in part, reads:












Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10631672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Australia is a Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order


Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history. It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.


Australians have been subjected to some of the most horrendous basic human rights and dignity violations during this entire scamdemic. The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order issued muzzle…I mean, face mask.


“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid,” says Brian in the above video. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands. We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity.


David Icke To LEOs & Military: “Look Your Children In The Eye” & Tell Them YOU Enforced Tyranny


All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam. “Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” Brian adds. If you don’t think this is coming back to the United States in the form of a second lockdown, think again. The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened.


This Is How We Beat This Beast System: What Unity Looks Like


Wake up. Time is now extremely short. If you don’t have food or water, now is the time to get what you can. If you don’t have emergency plans, now is the time to make some with your family. If you are already well prepared for any disaster, the best thing you can do is to stay alert and fearless. Dont’ live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.10631710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mad scientist: Fauci demands total US shutdown until COVID vaccine arrives


Endorses Australia's police state model as the way forward.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the 36 year head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is calling for a shutdown of the U.S economy and society until a coronavirus vaccine is available to the general public. The problem, he argued in a new presentation, is that lockdowns were lifted too early. In order to combat this, Fauci is calling for closures that could last well into 2021.


In an appearance Thursday afternoon on a videoconference panel sponsored by Harvard Medical School, Fauci called for further restrictions as part of an attempt to contain the novel coronavirus.


I isolated his most important remarks in the tweet below, but you can view the full discussion here:


Fauci claimed, without evidence, that top-down government edicts are wholly responsible for mitigating the potential impact of the virus and subduing its spread. He said that southern states, such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona are seeing new cases as a result of them reopening too early. However, the longtime bureaucrat did not acknowledge that other areas in countries on similar geographic latitudes, such as much of Mexico, are also facing similar epidemics, regardless of government policies enacted to “stop the spread.” He also raised alarm about the status of Europe, claiming the newfound cases are a result of their reopenings, which happened many months ago in most places.


Fauci warned that the U.S. Midwest is the next area of the country that is sure to see chaos. He took particular shots at states that remained open, such as South Dakota and Iowa, which did not see any particular spike in cases despite never shutting down.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.10631723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1818 >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

Fall Is Coming, So Somali Refugees in Icy Minnesota Are Getting Ready for Their Annual Taxpayer-Subsidized Winter Vacations in Sunny Somalia


If only Somalis in Somalia were as nationalistic about protecting the national interests of Somalia as Somali politicians serving in United States offices are nationalistic about Somalia …


One little discussed fact about refugees and asylees (don’t ask me to remember the difference) is how frequently they take long vacations back home in the Mother Country where their lives are supposedly in danger.


Breitbart recounts a paywalled Minneapolis Star-Tribune article (it’s a measure of the madness of the times that the local newspapers high on my priority list to finally pony up to subscribe to tend to be located in formerly boring close-to-the-Canadian border states like Minneapolis and Wisconsin):


Minneapolis Subsidizes Somalis’ Vacations in Africa




“Public housing residents in Minneapolis will no longer need to pay their normal monthly rent when travel abroad erases their income, a change particularly sought by East African immigrants,” the Star Tribune reports:


The board of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority approved this week reverting to its previous policy of collecting only minimal rent during extended absences. The change takes effect once approved by federal housing officials, which is expected by year’s end.


Abdi Warsame, a City Council member, told the board that the policy in place for the past five years works a particular hardship on elderly East Africans who must save for long periods if they want to visit their homelands. He said that many receive federal Supplemental Security Income, which is halted when the recipient is outside the United States.


Yet the policy required people to keep paying rent, which is income-based. Travelers gone for 30 to 90 days could apply for a hardship, which meant that they paid the minimum $75 monthly rent during their absence, but were required to make up the difference between that and their normal rent over the next year or two.


The change will mean that residents will pay only the $75 minimum per month, assuming they apply for the hardship status.


A number of Somali refugees living in Minneapolis Public Housing Authority apartments paid for by the taxpayers apparently take such extended overseas trips regularly.


“From 50 to 75 public housing residents report such absences annually, according to Mary Boler, an agency manager. She said the cost of the change will be less than $50,000. The agency found that the paperwork burden of tracking repayment was higher than anticipated,” the Star Tribune notes. ,,,


“This was brought up to us again and again and again in every building we visited in our ward. Everybody was afraid to leave the country,” Warsame told the Star Tribune:


He said common reasons for travel abroad include visiting families left behind or participating in the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are expected to make at least once.


The agency allows a maximum absence of 90 days, after which it takes steps to terminate a lease. …


“Virtually all Somalis who live in the US came here (we are told) as poor refugees,” Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch writes.


“So how persecuted and fearful of returning home are they if many travel back and forth to Africa and the taxpayers of Minneapolis cover most of their rent while they are gone,” Corcoran asks, a question Minnesota voters may have on their mind in November.


Sure, back in 1991, tempers were high toward Rep. Omar’s powerful clan, including her late father, Nur Omar Mohamed, who was a colonel in the Somali army of overthrown dictator Siad Barre during the 1987-1989 Isaaq Genocide. But now … From Colonel Nur’s obituary in Sahan Journal:

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.10631748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1838 >>1943 >>1982

'Worse Than Anything You Would See in a Horror Movie': Trial Begins for Accused Cannibal


The murder trial of a southern Indiana man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend and eating parts of her body began with a prosecutor warning jurors that they’ll see photos of the 2014 crime scene “worse than anything you would see in a horror movie.”


Clark County Prosecutor Jeremy Mull said Friday during his opening remarks in Joseph Oberhansley’s trial that Tammy Jo Blanton, 46, “met a fate that’s very difficult to describe” at the hands of the Jeffersonville man, who is charged with murder, rape, abuse of a corpse and burglary.


Mull warned the jurors, who were drawn from Allen County in northeastern Indiana because of the intense media coverage the case has received in the south of the state, that the evidence they would see will include gruesome photos.


Defense attorney Bart Betteau asked jurors to be wary of “emotional evidence” that wasn’t relevant to the facts in the Sept. 11, 2014, killing.


Witnesses who testified Friday — the sixth anniversary of Blanton’s death — included two officers who responded to her home that day and a 911 dispatcher who fielded Blanton’s call, in which she told the dispatcher that Oberhansley, now 39, was trying to break into her Jeffersonville home.


Sabrina Hall, a co-worker and friend of Blanton’s, testified that she called police after a man she believes was Oberhansley answered Blanton’s phone the day her friend died.


The trial is set to resume Monday, with a doctor who performed an autopsy on Blanton expected to testify.


If he’s convicted by the jury, Oberhansley will face a sentence of life in prison.


Oberhansley was set to stand trial in August 2019 with a jury drawn from central Indiana’s Hamilton County, but a mistrial was declared during the first day of testimony after a witness for the state spoke of things that attorneys had agreed would not be mentioned to the jury.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.10631771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1978

MASS TEST BID ‘Operation Moonshot’: £100BILLION plan could see entire UK population tested for coronavirus in just a week


TEN million daily Covid tests will be dished out to get Brits back to the footie, theatre and their mate’s house under new Government plans costing £100billion.


The entire population of the UK could be tested in a week under Downing Street’s ambitious Operation Moonshot programme.


Boris Johnson vowed to roll out new tests which can deliver results in just 15 minutes.


He said a negative result would give Brits a “freedom pass” — allowing people to mingle like they did before Covid.


But this morning Transport Secretary Grant Shapps admitted that the new tech wasn't ready yet.


Under the plan, Brits would swab themselves in the morning and be given a 24-hour pass to mingle without having to stick to social distancing rules.


However, critics have pointed out that the hugely expensive plan costs almost as much as the NHS's yearly budget for England - £130bn.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.10631829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1886 >>1970 >>1989

The war on Hydroxychloroquine can be traced back to Gilead, the drug maker looking to profit big from Remdesivir


It was beyond strange when the major media networks began to attack a pharmaceutical, especially in the middle of a pandemic. When did the major media networks ever criticize a drug? It turns out that controversial pharmaceutical is a cheap medicine that helps human cells uptake zinc so their immune system can recover from coronavirus infections.


Dr. Didier Raoult of France was using something as simple and cheap as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in combination with zinc and an antibiotic to successfully treat coronavirus patients. The news of Raoult’s success spread like wildfire, and U.S. President Donald Trump ultimately promoted the treatment, which acts as both a prophylactic and a therapeutic.


But it doesn’t matter how many doctors successfully treat coronavirus patients using HCQ and zinc. It doesn’t matter what people do in the home to help their immune system through the infection. What matters is drug company profits.

Tens of billions of dollars are on the line as Gilead tries to force dangerous Remdesivir down patient’s throats


There are tens of billions of dollars on the line if doctors are able to use something as cheap as HCQ and zinc to cure patients. Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir, wants to make sure that doctors use their 5-day coronavirus treatment which costs $3,000 per patient. In comparison, a generic dose of HCQ costs anywhere between $10 and $20.


Studies on Gilead’s remdesivir are abysmal, showing adverse events for 102 (66%) of 155 remdesivir recipients. The adverse events were so horrific for remdesivir patients, that 18 (12%) of the patients had to be taken off the drug. As their drug failed, Gilead went to war with a simple treatment protocol that was working.

Gilead’s desperate war against HCQ


The first hit job on HCQ came from the Veterans’ Administration hospital system study. One author of the study received numerous grants from Gilead, and in one instance, he collected nearly a quarter of a million dollars from the drug company. The flaws in the study were swiftly exposed, as Gilead tried to influence the results of the study.


The next hit job on HCQ came from Surgisphere, which published a 15,000-patient mega study that allegedly compiled data from hospitals across the world. The data, aimed at discrediting HCQ, was published in the prestigious Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine. Upon further review, the data was found to be fraudulent and the study was retracted from the journals, but it was too late: The study was used to restrict outpatient use of HCQ in the U.S. Australia, and most of Europe.


The editors of the Lancet declared Surgisphere’s scheme a “monumental fraud” but by then it was too late. These same Lancet editors had already gone out of their way to pressure the World Health Organization to suspend all trials for HCQ.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.10631845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 9/11 bonanza


There are a lot of very strange financial transactions that took place the day before and the day of 9/11.


You probably have heard about the United and American Airlines put options trade.


That was just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.


German banking investigators said:


“What we found is that people connected with the terrorists must have been trying to profit from this tragedy.”


Numerous academics in finance came to the same conclusion.

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.10631897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the were not BLM.

this is what they have been doing in Syria, as soon as they get outed they change their name to some other group….al qaeda ISIL ISIS Hyat Al Sham etc

Anonymous ID: 879b17 Sept. 13, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.10632045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crime Of The Century: Company Set To Manufacture COVID-19 Vaccine For US Intentionally Sold Faulty Biodefense Products



Should YouTube take down the video Click on The Image below for BitChute Back Up.

Company Set To Manufacture COVID-19 Vaccine For US Intentionally Sold Faulty Biodefense Products


Evidence of the corruption of the company Emergent BioSolutions has emerged yet again as the firm, set to play a key role in the manufacture of four leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates, has been caught selling the US government a biodefense product it knew was non-functional.


Internal documents and e-mails from the “life sciences” company Emergent BioSolutions reveal that the company was aware that its biodefense product for the treatment of nerve gas exposure, sold under the brand name Trobigard, was both non-functional and untested for safety or efficacy while it was actively marketing the product to the U.S. government.


The firm was well aware of the fact that Trobigard’s functionality and safety in humans had never been tested several months before it was awarded a no-bid $25 million contract in October 2017 and a subsequent $100 million contract in 2019 to supply troves of the product to the State Department. Indeed, the results of the company’s first study on Trobigard’s efficacy in treating exposure to nerve gas were not even available until six weeks after Emergent had won the contract with the State Department and, even then, those results could “not be directly extrapolated to the human situation,” per the study’s authors.


According to internal company records and emails from Emergent employees and government officials obtained by The Washington Post, Emergent’s director of regulatory affairs, Brenda Wolling, stated in July 2017 that “functionality testing has not been successful in this device [Trobigard]” and that even describing Trobigard as “a treatment of nerve agent poisoning” was inaccurate because that claim “implies that we have efficacy data showing it works.”


Emergent BioSolutions declined to answer if the inaccurate marketing claims that Trobigard had been tested for safety and efficacy had been made to State Department officials prior to the awarding of the first contract for Trobigard in October 2017. The company did, however, state that Wolling’s claims had been “taken seriously” but that they did “not necessarily represent the company’s position.”


Notably, Wolling had sent internal warnings about Trobigard to colleagues a year prior, in 2016, telling Emergent salespeople to “exclude efficacy claims” about the biodefense product when marketing it to potential buyers. She specifically stated that “we have not substantiated that this co-formulated product is efficacious or safe, and have never tested against nerve agents as an antidote.” Also in 2016, a former Emergent executive, Dan Mallon, was also found to have admitted to Emergent employees that “Emergent sales representatives had made unsupported claims about Trobigard to clients.”


Even Emergent’s spokeswoman Nina DeLorenzo has since openly acknowledged that “Emergent has not tested the safety or efficacy of atropine and obidoxime co-formulated,” meaning that the combination of the two drugs that compose Trobigard has never been found to be safe or even work.