IamItaly ID: 4a7f31 Sept. 13, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.10633364   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The board of commissioners consists of:

Jim Bernard, Clackamas County Commission Chair

Sonya Fischer, Commissioner

Ken Humberston, Commissioner

Paul Savas, Commissioner

Martha Schrader, Commissioner

The whole video is worth watching. These people are fools.

See with your own eyes. Watch their body language when looting, rioting, ANTIFA, the NG, Federal law enforcement, etc are brought up.

Who argues for and against the National Guard?

Who tries to undermine the Sheriff when he implicates ANTIFA?


People constantly talk about subversion and infiltration of the government. Here it is. Watch people with ANTIFA sympathies influence government action.