Also, Q again and again telling us what evil things the Dem's are still able to achieve, doesn't give me the impression that Q/ patriots are in control.
I'd rather read no new Q posts than these posts about how all the evildoers are still running amok and nobody gets punished.
Will Q/ Trump team allow them all to kill, loot, set fires til November, 3rd?
To make Americans vote for Trump?
How 'ethical' is that strategy?
Tweeting in all caps "LAW AND ORDER" does nothing for the people.
The people want to SEE law & order restored.
Or are the people hostages in a war between Dems and Team Trump?
Remember when Q told an Anon "You and your families are safe"?
How about the Anon who runs
Does Q care?
How about the Americans, whose houses and businesses were destroyed by arson?
Does Q care?
Or is this "all about the election", like Q says and no side cares about the American people?