Anonymous ID: 1a3884 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.10634103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4197

"Military is the only way."


I have a dear patriot friend who bombards me with all the propaganda which suggests the present military leadership is comp'd to the point where they WILL NOT step in to defend us even if Trump orders them. The reason is because nowhere in Revelation does it suggest any Great Awakening/DarkToLight, or a great nation rising/defeating forces of evil. In fact, it says the opposite, where the merchants will weep over the loss of the harlot (America, the greatest consumers). I personally think defeatist talk about disloyal/treasonous military leadership is akin to Lord Haw Haw/Tokyo Rose style anti-American/Allies propaganda. Regardless, I'm ready to kill and die to defend our constitution come November 4. Better to die fighting than on my knees.