Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.10633610   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3637 >>3707 >>3785


More info on this video here with transcript and contact information on active 4chan thread;





This is my post from 4chan, should I re-post all this info here? I'm not familiar with qresearch culture. I can put everything from 4chan in this thread if it's appropriate. Original post even had digits; 277249699>>10633539

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.10633999   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4007 >>4072 >>4073

Ok everyone, 4chanfag here. This is the original post I put up after transcribing the Clackamas County Commissioners meeting;


The following is a transcript of the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners Friday 09/10/2020 meeting. It was a zoom meeting and was lives-streamed on the county youtube channel. #ClackCoTV, seriously.



It is not a full transcript but starts at 11:13, when a Sheriffs Deputy joins on behalf of the Sheriff and ends just before a vote on whether to implement a curfew. During this meeting multiple vehicles were driving through the county throwing molotov cocktails. Broadcastify archives police dispatch which can be found here:



Here is a timestamped link to the video starting at 11:13:

> [Embed]


The board of commissioners consists of:


Jim Bernard, Clackamas County Commission Chair

Sonya Fischer, Commissioner

Ken Humberston, Commissioner

Paul Savas, Commissioner

Martha Schrader, Commissioner


The whole video is worth watching. These people are idiots.

See with your own eyes. Watch their body language when looting, rioting, ANTIFA, the NG, Federal law enforcement, etc are brought up.

Who argues for and against the National Guard?

Who tries to undermine the Sheriff when he implicates ANTIFA?

Who demands absolute proof before taking any action is warranted?

Who has unknown third parties standing ominously in the background?

Who takes contacting the Governor seriously?

Who tries to avoid contacting the Governor?


People constantly talk about subversion and infiltration of the government. Here it is. Watch people with ANTIFA sympathies influence government action. The second post in this thread will have a relevant pic. It explains the larger structure in which Democrat (((Marxist/Communist/ANTIFA/BLM))) establishment has set up a structure to gain profit and power off of this specific emergency. It's not short, but it's worth reading.

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.10634007   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4073



>Sheriffs Deputy:

Yeah so, if I could, if I could hopefully elaborate and give you guys some information so it helps, in helping you make your decision on that. So yeah, the reason we are asking for a curfew, and we would probably liken that to the time of the noise ordinance, to be implemented around 10pm overnight. There are lots of confirmed reports of looting, mostly in the outlying areas, Estacada, Colton, Molalla, Sandy, mostly in the outlying areas, lots of looting has been taking place, burglaries and what not. There's reports of, and this is not specific to an area but all over the county, both outlying and even closer into town, of people of extremist groups staging gas cans for later destruction. And, equally concerning is there are reports of people from other extremist groups it's not confirmed ANTIFA but it is suspected ANTIFA. This is more specific to the Estacada area. Reports and sightings of people armed with chainsaws and the goal was to fall telephone poles in hopes of starting further fires. And that's all the information I have at this point.


>Sonya Fischer, Commissioner:

I'm not sure I understand when you say gas cans, staging gas cans, could you give a little more information about that.


>Sheriffs Deputy:

Well staging, specifically staging full gas cans in sort of concealed type areas to later be used by themselves or other members of their groups to initiate, you know, the starting of further fires.


>Jim Bernard, Commission Chair:

Yeah but this is some media thing, I mean, shakes head and laughs. It hasn't been confirmed.


>Sheriffs Deputy:

No no no, that part has not, but the ANTIFA part, there have been reliable sightings and reports not confirmed but, I mean it's pretty specific, being armed with chainsaws felling telephone poles in the hopes of starting further fires.

And the looting / burglary is in the outlying areas and all over Clackamas county, it is definitely confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.10634012   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4015

>Jim Bernard, Commission Chair:

Yeah, yeah. Alright, so we've agreed, I mean, I'll move to second to "check the box" [on curfew] andโ€ฆ


>Sonya Fischer, Commissioner:

Chair Bernard can I ask another question, sorry about that.

So, if this is happening is there coordination with any other state of federal LE in regards to these acts? To increase resources or is that necessary?


>Sheriffs Deputy:

I can't confirm any coordination with any federal law enforcement forces because I think most of them have been deployed downtown Portland.

But I can tell you that here in our sheriff's DOC we actually have a member of the state police here in our section with us.


>Paul Savas, Commissioner:

After hearing that from Captain Smith here, I'm inclined, Jim, we've gotta make an appeal to the Governor to call in the National Guard. That's critical information that is very unsettling. There's not enough resources in the sheriff's department to handle all that. I think that I'm fine with the curfew county wide now, more so than I was 15 minuets ago. But for crying out loud we can't allow a deliberate attack on property and peoples lives and just somehow leave the National Guard out there sitting at home waiting for the call.


>Jim Bernard, Commission Chair:

I'd be happy to call the Governor.


>Sonya Fischer, Commissioner:

Can I just ask a clarifying question cause I want to make sure we aren't over exaggerating the situation.

I think LE has the best handle on when we would need to call in reinforcements, call in the NGโ€ฆ So could you give us some insight onto that?


>Sheriff's Deputy:

I'm here speaking on behalf of the sheriff but I wouldn't want to decide on his behalf. So I would prefer if he weighed in on that call to the governor specifically. I'd hate to make that call on his behalf.

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.10634015   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4018 >>4035 >>4038


>Sonya Fischer, Commissioner:

OK, so I would suggest as a commission that we hold off on calling the Governor for that ask. We wan to make sure it's a real ask if we are going to ask it and we make sure we have confirmation from the sheriff that we need that. Or maybe we just say we are concerned and we want the NG on standby if necessary.


>Martha Schrader, Commissioner:

So, I guess my question is how do we confirm that this is ANTIFA? I mean you said that you have got it from reliable sources, you haven't captured anybody, what's a real solid way to confirm this? Because I think that's the tipping point. And right now we've all been thinking "oh they are just rumors" but now, maybe not.


>Sheriff's Deputy:

Yeah commissioner, I know this came from a Sargent on the street, but I don't know who his informants are at this time.


>Martha Schrader, Commissioner:

OK, but we will really have to know that for sure because if that true then we don't want to have another layer of panic going out there.


>Sheriff's Deputy:

Right well I can probably take that issue of contacting the NG off of your guys's plate and hand it to the sheriff for a time when we have better information. But for now, and I guess the purpose of this call is more for me to weigh in on whether or not you guys could authorize the curfew. And it sounds like you're inclined to do so. And so maybe at this time we can hold our conversation to that and I can deffer the latter part of the conversation to the sheriff when he's available.


>Sonya Fischer, Commissioner:

The issue and again I'm sure we all are with our connections in the outlying areas of Clackamas county but it's not only is this ANTIFA but it's peoples perception that it's a threat. So we have very strong members of our community that believe in protection of life / property and we could have some unrest. Which we need to have our pulse, we need to be measuring the pulse of that in our community. So it's beyond a specific group.

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.10634022   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4027


Further information on commissioners:

>Clackamas County Commission Office



bcc [at] clackamas us

2051Kaen Rd Oregon City, OR 97045




Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.10634027   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4034


>Jim Bernard, Clackamas County Commission Chair (Previous Mayor of Milwaukie)


10212 S. New Era Road

Canby, OR 97013


jim [at] votejimbernard com


>Clackamas County Committees

Audit Committee Chair

Clackamas County Coordinating Committee (C4) Co-Chair, Executive Committee

C4 Metro Subcommittee alternate

Coordinated Care Organization

Hospital Facilities Authority

Internal Audit Committee member

POA Benefits Review Committee

North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District, district liaison

Safe Communities / Drive to Zero Advisory Board

>Association of Oregon Counties (AOC)

Court Facilities Task Force


Forest Trust Lands Advisory Committee

>Regional Committees

Metro Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT), alternate

Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC), alternate

Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization Policy Committee, vice chair

>Other Committees

Greater Portland Inc., Board of Directors

NWREC Advisory Council

Regional Wastewater Treatment Capacity Advisory Board

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.10634034   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4045 >>4122 >>4131


Sonya Fischer, Commissioner


2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045


sonya [at] sonyafischer com



>Committee Membership

Vice Chair, Association of Oregon Counties Health and Human Services Committee

Member, National Association of Counties Human Services and Education Committee

HereTogether, Advisory Board

Member of Board of Directors, Oregon Trial Lawyers Association

Member, Clackamas Women Lawyers

Member, Oregon State Bar Association

Member, Clackamas County Bar Association

Member, Multnomah Bar Association


President, Clackamas Women Lawyers

President, Oregon Trial Lawyers Association

Secretary, Clackamas County Bar Association

Member of Governmental Affairs Committee for Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce

Member of Board of Directors, Disability Rights Oregon

Co-chair, Oregon Trial Lawyers Association Family Law Section

Member of Lake Oswego School District Configuration and Budget committees

Chair, Policy Committee for the Family Action Coalition Team

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.10634045   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4048


Ken Humberston, Commissioner


14287 S. Firethorne Ct.

Oregon City, OR 97045


kenhumberstonhumberston [at] yahoo com


>Committee Membership

Association of Oregon Counties: Veterans Committee, Public Safety Committee, Human Services Committee

Fair Board Liaison

Veteran's Advisory Committee

Rotary Oregon City

American Legion Post 180

VFW Post 1324

Beavercreek Grange

Local Public Safety Coordinating Council

Tourism Development Council Liaison


Clackamas River Water

Regional Water Providers Consortium

Clackamas Regional Water Supply Commission

Clackamas County Economic Development Commission

State Economic Development Commission

County Economic Development Commission

School district board member and president

City Council / Mayor

Community Fire Board

Community Planning Organization

Museum Board

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10634048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4051


Paul Savas, Commissioner


14928 Kronberg Ave

Oak Grove, OR 97267


paulsts [at] verizon net


>Committee Membership

Clackamas County Coordinating Committee (C4)

Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT)

Oak Lodge Community Council

North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District (NCPRD) Advisory Board

Clackamas County Business Alliance (CCBA)

Region 1 ODOT Area Commission on Transportation (R1ACT)

Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) Transportation Committee


Oak Lodge Water District, 2001-2005

North Clackamas County Water Commission, 2001โ€“2005

Regional Water Providers Consortium, 2001โ€“2005

Chairman, McLoughlin Area Plan Committee, 2005โ€“2007

Wastewater Solutions Task Force, 2008โ€“2015

Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC), 2005-2007

Oak Lodge Sanitary District Board, 2003โ€“2011

Jennings Lodge Community Planning Organization

Anonymous ID: 1d5fb6 Sept. 13, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10634051   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Martha Schrader, Commissioner


2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045


bcc [at] clackamas us


>Committee Membership

Member of the Large Urban County Caucus

Past member of the Rural Action Caucus

Immediate past president of the Association of Oregon Counties (president in 2019)

Member of the National Association of Countiesโ€™ (NACo) Board of Directors

Vice Chair of the NACo Economic Development Subcommittee to the Community, Economic and Workforce Development Steering Committee

Member of the NACo Rural Action Caucus

Member of the NACo Veterans and Military Services Committee

Member of NACo International Economic Development Task Force

Co-Vice Chair of the Willamette Falls Locks State Commission

Member of the Regional Solutions Advisory Committee

Chair of Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC)

Partner of the Willamette Falls Legacy Project