Ok everyone, 4chanfag here. This is the original post I put up after transcribing the Clackamas County Commissioners meeting;
The following is a transcript of the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners Friday 09/10/2020 meeting. It was a zoom meeting and was lives-streamed on the county youtube channel. #ClackCoTV, seriously.
It is not a full transcript but starts at 11:13, when a Sheriffs Deputy joins on behalf of the Sheriff and ends just before a vote on whether to implement a curfew. During this meeting multiple vehicles were driving through the county throwing molotov cocktails. Broadcastify archives police dispatch which can be found here:
Here is a timestamped link to the video starting at 11:13:
>https://youtu.be/R6fidkEp1eY?t=673 [Embed]
The board of commissioners consists of:
Jim Bernard, Clackamas County Commission Chair
Sonya Fischer, Commissioner
Ken Humberston, Commissioner
Paul Savas, Commissioner
Martha Schrader, Commissioner
The whole video is worth watching. These people are idiots.
See with your own eyes. Watch their body language when looting, rioting, ANTIFA, the NG, Federal law enforcement, etc are brought up.
Who argues for and against the National Guard?
Who tries to undermine the Sheriff when he implicates ANTIFA?
Who demands absolute proof before taking any action is warranted?
Who has unknown third parties standing ominously in the background?
Who takes contacting the Governor seriously?
Who tries to avoid contacting the Governor?
People constantly talk about subversion and infiltration of the government. Here it is. Watch people with ANTIFA sympathies influence government action. The second post in this thread will have a relevant pic. It explains the larger structure in which Democrat (((Marxist/Communist/ANTIFA/BLM))) establishment has set up a structure to gain profit and power off of this specific emergency. It's not short, but it's worth reading.