Or do you enjoy to teach innocent citizens a lesson, by letting the swamp run amok?
Or do you enjoy to teach innocent citizens a lesson, by letting the swamp run amok?
> apparently.
What can the people do now?
I mean NOW?
Watching their homes burn?
What callous strategy is that?
Does Trump want this to play out, so people vote for him?
Is this okay?
Or should he finally grow a spine and arrest the higher ups in politics and the MSM?
"We have it all."
Yes, and you do NOTHING to stop this.
Since nearly FOUR years.
>Most of the Q posts not only describe the evil deeds of the deep state actors, but also the uselessness of Trump's Admin to do anything at all about it.
You only wish that I'm a shill.
Trump is the president.
Under his administration the DS is allowed to burn, loot, murder.
People voted for Trump to drain the swamp.
The only thing the people got is Q.
But Q is only posting about Dems and Antifa and the Y families.
People need law and order.
But Trump isn't stopping the lawlessness.
Such a presidency is worthless for the citizens.
Why vote for Trump again, when h didn't make ONE single meanginful arrest?
Did he reign in the MSM?
What did he achieve in regard of "draining the swamp"?
Never before the swamp monsters were so brazen than in these four years.
And this admin is cowardly.
No one got arrested.
But next time, after Nov, 3….all the scum will be prosecuted…
Do you really believe that?
I'm angry.
And I won't hail Q for posting garbage instead of arresting the evil.