Anonymous ID: 131f89 Sept. 13, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.10637169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293

Q highlights Grassley once again.

REMINDER: Grassley is NOT up for re election. He is President Pro Tempore

He fills the position if the VP is no longer able to preform duties. ( Duties the Constitution says are preside over the Senate and be able to assume Presidency )

There has been an historical back and forth about who assumes the Presidency in the event of the loss of both President and VP.

Currently our CoC says the speaker of the house.

If mail in voting becomes such a cluster fuck as to not result in a clear president come Jan 20 2021, it cannot be successfully argued that it resulted in clear elections of ANY level including House seats.

Therefore, no Speaker of the House can be nominated for the Jan 6th deadline. POTUS will still be POTUS at that time but no New Speaker can be chosen.

The Senate, however, can start a new session with those who are elected in to office and not subject to the elections.

It is Grassley's job to gavel in on Jan 6

It would ONLY be the Senators who are NOT up for re election to join him

The left cannot have it both ways. They cannot say the election is chaos and undecided for who is president and not say all elections are called into question. Federal and State level.

If we have No functioning Government then we can have no functioning Civilian Curt system.