Anonymous ID: 14a2d3 Sept. 13, 2020, 4:50 p.m. No.10637076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7142 >>7210 >>7308

Russia Sends Elite Airborne Troops To Belarus For Drills As Putin Hosts Embattled Lukashenko


Russian state media reports that the country's airborne forces will be deployed to Belarus for joint military drills from Monday through September 25.


Despite the 'Slavic Fraternity' drills being an annual pre-planned event hosted by Belarusian armed forces, the deployment comes at an intensifying moment of continued mass anti-Lukashenko protests after denunciations by the opposition that the Aug.9 national election was "rigged".


"In accordance with the schedule of international events for 2020, the planned joint Belarusian-Russian tactical exercise Slavic Fraternity, which has been held annually since 2015, will be held from 14 to 25 September at the Brestsky training ground in Belarus", the Russian defense ministry said over the weekend.


It total Russia is expected to send about 300 troops among its elite Pskov division along with military hardware for the joint drills.


Crucially it comes after Minsk has again charged that "NATO is at the gates" in neighboring Lithuania, where it's been confirmed that American tanks are participating in pre-scheduled exercises there.


Viktor Khrenin, the Belarusian minister of defense, said on Saturday:


“The movement of NATO troops is taking place in territory adjacent to us, within the framework of the Enhanced Forward Presence and Atlantic Resolve operations. In particular, the 2nd Battalion of the 69th Armor Regiment is being deployed to the Pabrade training ground [in Lithuania], 15 kilometers from our border.”


The defense minister added, “The fact that about 500 people, 29 tanks, and 43 Bradley Fighting Vehicles will be in such close proximity to our border cannot do anything but worry us.”


Several huge columns like this marching Minsk streets in the direction of Drazdy where Lukashenka resides.

— Franak Viačorka (@franakviacorka) September 13, 2020


Meanwhile, opposition activists - of which 250 were reportedly arrested in the Belarusian capital Sunday amid more mass protests - have charged that Putin is treating the country as a "Russian province" akin to Soviet times.


The Guardian and others reported numbers of up to 100,000 protesters in Minsk on Sunday, on the eve of a much-anticipated meeting between Presidents Lukashenko and Putin on Monday in Sochi. The embattled Belarusian president, now in his sixth term, will seek greater public backing by Putin.


Belarus saw one of its biggest demonstrations yet against President Alexander Lukashenko as at least 100,000 protesters took to the streets of Minsk

— Reuters (@Reuters) September 13, 2020


Interestingly, Serbia was expected to take part in this week's military games in Belarus, but has backed out based on its policy of wanting to display greater neutrality, but also under intense pressure from the EU.


So for those catching


19 June 2020, 14:09

Belarus president unwilling to accept additional terms to get foreign loans


Experts liken unrest in Belarus to color revolutions


==Now Russia is coming to fight off the cabal?!!!

Anonymous ID: 14a2d3 Sept. 13, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.10637124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7133 >>7156 >>7177 >>7210 >>7308

Australia is a Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order


Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history. It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.


Australians have been subjected to some of the most horrendous basic human rights and dignity violations during this entire scamdemic. The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order issued muzzle…I mean, face mask.


“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid,” says Brian in the above video. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands. We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity.


All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam. “Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” Brian adds. If you don’t think this is coming back to the United States in the form of a second lockdown, think again. The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened


Wake up. Time is now extremely short. If you don’t have food or water, now is the time to get what you can. If you don’t have emergency plans, now is the time to make some with your family. If you are already well prepared for any disaster, the best thing you can do is to stay alert and fearless. Dont’ live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.

Anonymous ID: 14a2d3 Sept. 13, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.10637263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7279 >>7281 >>7308

Zhenhua Data: 35,000 Aussies being spied on by China as part of ‘psychological war’


A massive data leak shows tens of thousands of Aussies, from celebs to the PM and his family, are being traced by China for “psychological warfare”.


Tens of thousands of Australians — including celebrities, politicians and journalists — have had their data collected by a company with links to Chinese military and intelligence networks.


Researchers say the massive collection of information is being used as a “psychological warfare” tool to manipulate public opinion in Australia.


The database was published overnight after it was leaked to a US academic, and it shows 2.4 million people around the world have been targeted — including 35,000 Australians.


The data was collected by Chinese company Zhenhua Data which is understood to be used by China’s intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security.


Zhenhua has the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party as its main clients.


The database appears to focus on individuals and institutions China deems influential or important, from politicians and their families to professors and think tanks to scientists and tech leaders to organised crime figures.




The leaks show the majority of what Zhenhua has been collecting is “open-source” data, including dates of birth, addresses, marital status, along with photographs, political associations, relatives and social media IDs.


“The data was crawled from such well known platforms as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well as others,” a report into the data found.


“In addition to personal information, they logged information on posts, likes, and retweets. This allowed for a wide variety of relationship and key person targeting.”


However, researchers found that up to 20 per cent of the data was not from an open source, meaning it may have been obtained on the dark web or through hacking.


This information could include confidential bank records, job applications, psychological profiles and public sector employee records.