Anonymous ID: 19f645 Sept. 13, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.10639789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9985 >>0248 >>0328 >>0395

Trump issues executive order to lower Medicare drug prices for seniors


Order's 'most-favored-nation price' ties Medicare costs to those paid in other countries. Drugmakers outraged.


President Trump on Sunday signed an executive order moving Medicare one step closer to a "most favored nation" drug pricing system, instructing the government health care program for seniors to develop and test paying the same drug prices as other developed countries with cost controls. "It is the policy of the United States that the Medicare program should not pay more for costly Part B or Part D prescription drugs or biological products than the most-favored-nation price," Trump's order declares. The memo defines the most-favored-nation price as "the lowest price, after adjusting for volume and differences in national gross domestic product, for a pharmaceutical product that the drug manufacturer sells in a member country of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development."


Trump's approach is strongly opposed by the pharmaceutical industry and some conservatives who prefer the free market set competitive prices. But the president has been arguing since 2018 that U.S. senior pays far higher prices because drug makers off-load the development costs on Americans while providing discounts in foreign countries with cost controls. "Americans pay more per capita for prescription drugs than residents of any other developed country in the world," the president's order said. "It is unacceptable that Americans pay more for the exact same drugs, often made in the exact same places. Other countries’ governments regulate drug prices by negotiating with drug manufacturers to secure bargain prices, leaving Americans to make up the difference — effectively subsidizing innovation and lower-cost drugs for the rest of the world."


Trump crowed about his order Sunday afternoon in a tweet. "My Most Favored Nation order will ensure that our Country gets the same low price Big Pharma gives to other countries," he wrote. "The days of global freeriding at America's expense are over … and prices are coming down FAST!" Just signed a new Executive Order to LOWER DRUG PRICES! My Most Favored Nation order will ensure that our Country gets the same low price Big Pharma gives to other countries. The days of global freeriding at America’s expense are over…— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2020


PhRMA, the drug maker's main lobby group, immediately decried the action as "irresponsible and unworkable," signaling a future showdown in the courts. Trump's plan "will give foreign governments a say in how America provides access to treatments and cures for seniors and people struggling with devastating diseases," the drug lobby argued.

Executive Order on Lowering Drug Prices by Putting America First

PhRMA Statement on Most Favored Nation Executive Order

Anonymous ID: 19f645 Sept. 13, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.10639975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0248 >>0395

AG Barr decries the mainstream media as 'a collection of liars'


Attorney General William Barr during a Friday interview with the conservative website excoriated the mainstream media, saying that many seek to accomplish partisan political aims rather than report the truth. "They're basically a collection of liars," Barr said according to Townhall. "Most of the mainstream media. They're a collection of liars and they know exactly what they're doing. A perfect example of that were the riots." "Right on the street it was clear as day what was going on, anyone observing it, reporters observing it, it could not have escaped their attention that this was orchestrated violence by a hardened group of street fighting radicals and they kept on excluding from their coverage all the video of this and reporting otherwise and they were doing that for partisan reasons, and they were lying to the American people," he said. "It wasn't until they were caught red-handed after essentially weeks of this lie that they even started feeling less timid."


Barr during his scathing rebuke accused media members of practicing political partisanship. Their behavior is "destructive to our Republic," he said. "The press has dropped, in my view - and I'm talking about the national mainstream media - has dropped any pretense of professional objectivity and are political actors, highly partisan who try to shape what they're reporting to achieve a political purpose and support a political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth," he said. "They're very mendacious about it. It's very destructive to our Republic; it's very destructive to the Democratic system to have that, especially being so monolithic. It's contributing to a lot of the intensity and partisanship." Despite his fiery criticism, Barr also said that there are still some mainstream reporters producing quality journalism. "I think there are a handful of reporters in the mainstream media that still have journalistic integrity, and there are some, but the overwhelming majority don't have it anymore," Barr said. "The people who do cover the department do understand some of the issues." Much of the media, though, pursues a "preformed narrative" that serves a political agenda, he said. "That's what it's all become."


EXCLUSIVE: AG Barr Rips National Media as a ‘Collection of Liars’ Over Riot Coverage

Anonymous ID: 19f645 Sept. 13, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.10640074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0186 >>0248 >>0395

Kid Rock to Join Trump Jr. at MAGA Rally in Michigan Monday


Musician Kid Rock will join Donald Trump Jr. for a MAGA event Monday in Detroit as President Donald Trump aims to take the critical battleground state in the 2020 presidential election. Trump won Michigan by the smallest margin in 2016 but Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has retained a consistent lead in the key swing state in several national polls.


The president last week held a rally at an airport hangar near Saginaw that was attended by thousands and touted the large number of supporters who came out to see him as evidence of his strength in Michigan. “This is not the crowd of a person who comes in second place, you know that right?" Trump said. “Fifty-four days from now, we’re going to win Michigan.” The Sept. 14 event will take place at the Harrison Charter Township in Michigan and is scheduled for 7 p.m. Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, will also be in attendance.

Anonymous ID: 19f645 Sept. 13, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.10640308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0353 >>0431

Did Kevin set his Alarm?


Kitty Shackleford


Kevin Wharton Price of Africa Town Coalition, who stormed the hospital where the two LAPD sheriffs were being treated after being ambushed, is celebrating the shooting on Facebook. He's trying to justify the murder and calling them "gang-banging sheriffs"


Q Drop 4686


SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Did Kevin set his alarm?