It's not about the current day Armenians.
It's about an ancient priest/ruling class cult that originated in the Armenian highlands (further back mesopotamia)
The hyksos who ruled in Egypt (and kicked out because they were too evil) originate from the Armenian highlands
The last independent king of Babylon was an Armenian by the name of Arakha also known as Nebuchadnezzar IV
The sadducees (priest cult families in Jerusalem were believed to be from Armenia, and related to the Hyksos). See picture.
John the Baptist (and Jesus) called the Sadducees “brood of vipers” and “family of snakes.”
Rothschilds can be traced back to the Hyksos (so also to the sadducees, last babylonian Kings, and longer back Armenian highlands/mesopotamia) See picture
After their wanderings around Armenia, Persia, and Media, the Karaites came to Crimea during the time of Persian King Kambiz II (6th century BCE). A further story bolstering this version of Karaite history was that around the year 750 CE, the Karaites tried to convert the Khazars to Karaite Judaism.
The Sadducees sect is believed to have become extinct some time after the destruction of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, but it has been speculated that the later Karaites may have had some roots in—or connections with—Sadducaic views. See picture
On January 5, 1939, NAZI's declare Karaites and European subsects to be not racially jewish. They were exempted from jewish persecution.
What we know now is that the Rothschilds actually worships the "lesser key of solomon". Satanic dark side mythology in the times of the Pharisees (lawmakers in Jerusalem) and the Sadducees (priest families in Jerusalem)
Interesting sidenode: Both the swastika as the 6 pointed David star have origins in ancient Armenia.