Anonymous ID: 1f72d6 Sept. 14, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.10645171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ok anon just cut and paste the key part of COIN study posted by Q

4 key elements laid out clearly

read this summary and see if you reacted the way i did - that is we are failing on all four fronts right now - only success in some elements of each - imo really needs the moabs proofs in public hope they coming soon if ever…


This guide employs a COIN model that comprises five main functional components:

The political function is the key function, providing a framework of political reconciliation, and reform of governance around which all other COIN activities are organized. In general, a COIN strategy is only as good as the political

plan at its heart.

The economic function seeks to provide essential services and stimulate long term economic growth, thereby generating confidence in the government while at the same time reducing the pool of frustrated, unemployed young men and women from which insurgents can readily recruit.

The security function is an enabler for the other functions and involves development not just of the affected nation’s military force, but its whole security

sector, including the related legal framework, civilian oversight mechanisms and judicial system. Establishing security is not a precursor to economic and governance activity: rather security, economic and governance activity must be developed in parallel.

The information function comprises intelligence (required to gain understanding), and influence (to promote the affected government’s cause). It is essential that the influence campaign is in tune with the strategic narrative, resonates with the relevant audiences, is based on genuine resolve by the affected government and that physical actions match. What makes COIN different from other stabilization and humanitarian tasks is that both elements of the information function will be conducted in stark competition with the

insurgents’ own information functions.

Anonymous ID: 1f72d6 Sept. 14, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.10645903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not stupid at all

there is NO ONE to call anon and

if potus and Q plan disappoint there will be a time when the uprising will begin

we will know when that time comes

it will be organic not a plot or a complaint