>>10644969 (lb)
Thanks for contributing to the conversation. How about asking when the Federal gov't can step in when they see the insurgency is tied directly to local/state gov't? That's a question no one has asked. If @POTUS knows the leaders of these communities/states are complicit, then where's my federal charges/arrests? Think about Cuomo and COVID. What's going on with that? These govs and mayors should be in HANDCUFFS, not parading around on the news playing kabuki to convince everyone to vote red. There's miles of bullshit all around everyone, and nobody's asking the right questions.
Q has demonstrated, this morning, that we are being "invaded", as well as "infiltrated". The tactics used by antifa are the same as ISIS. The solution to this problem is NOT everyone taking a vacation from home, bringing their guns to the streets of troubled cities. Open war is what they want. The proper response has to come from legal authority. When the local/state level authorities fail to do their job to protect citizens/businesses, then it should be expected that the Federal government steps in to do the job. I'm not suggesting @POTUS goes all "Lincoln" on the situation, but a response is needed, and it starts with removing the traitorous govs/mayors.
The gaslighting and kayfabe is tricking everyone to fight against each other over something that should be a matter of common sense. We're all patriots, here, trying to figure out what's best to bring about reconciliation and healing while restoring law and order. The best path to that is not taking up arms and eradicating our own children in the streets, or sending our children to do so.
Use your heads, not your fists.